Wednesday, March 31, 2021

what's up Wednesday


Happy Wednesday! I am linking up with Shaeffer from Shaeffer Told Me To and Shay from Mix and Match Mama for this blog post. I'll jump right in.

What we're eating this week:

Well, Monday night we had grilled chicken with veggies and there are leftovers. We had pizza last night because I really didn't want to cook and I know that is terrible, but it was true. Also, if I cooked, I had to go to Kroger and I wanted a day at home. I was busy all of Monday and after a night with lots of people here, I need time to decompress from all of that, even as much fun as it was. These are introvert problems. I'll go to the store today and run a couple of other errands while I'm out, then I'll figure out the rest of the week from there.

What I'm reminiscing about:

Everything, thanks to Timehop and Facebook memories—mostly the days when my boys were little. Spring was our favorite time of year, because it put us all back outside. Baseball (and later lacrosse) went on, bike rides happened, the driveway was always full of the neighborhood kids (still is sometimes, but with friends not in the neighborhood) and lots of other fun things like that. Also with March being birthday month, we did other things related to that as well, like when we celebrated Dad. We would go to his house and they would fish and drive his riding mower and then come inside and crash or play games like Twister and Pick Up Sticks. We always had friends with us, too.

I took the boys and their Mimi to the Orpheum on this night twelve years ago! They all loved  those Magic Tree House books and this night there was a play there based on those books. They LOVED the play and we had a blast taking them downtown for such a fun night.

What I'm loving:

Seeing all the green in the trees and bushes! After months of dreary days, it's always so good seeing sunshine and the pretty green things outside, excluding pollen. Tis the season for everyone to wash their cars off every single day.

What we've been up to:

It seems like nothing but birthdays. Ha! We've had lots going on. Graham is busy looking for a house to buy and is going to see one tonight, Drew is working and making plans for after the summer involving him working in a hospital, Jonah and Noah are wrapping up their school work and getting ready for graduation and all the fun things coming up that honor them. I need to get pictures made and find pictures to send in to several things. I may work on that today, actually.

What I'm dreading:

Nothing, really. 

What I'm working on:

Senior stuff for the boys, making sure they have all that they need to wear to special events, turning in grades and requesting diplomas, writing for our next Bible study coming this fall (Esther!) and keeping up with the normal day to day chores that involve running a home. I really need to spring clean and go through a bunch of areas in the house and finish up some painting. I'm rolling my eyes at myself, because I still haven't finished painting. I keep setting deadlines for myself, and they keep going right by.

What I'm excited about:

Lots of possibilities with friends this coming month...more about that on another day, though.

What I'm watching/reading:

I started watching One Tree Hill. I'm so invested, but even so, I don't know how much more I can take. I'm hoping it picks up soon. I'm also watching my regulars—This Is Us, New Amsterdam, The Resident and The Good Doctor. I am reading, but not as much as I wanted to in March. That's what happens when I watch too much tv, but I had several nights in a row at home alone and I caved and started a new series. I'll write about my books on here later today.

What I'm listening to:

Ben Rector, a spring playlist someone made that I follow, a K Love playlist and another one called Everyday Inspiration—all on Spotify.

What I'm wearing:

Jeans or leggings with flowy tops is my uniform. I got a few cute ones that are new on Friday of last week! I also got two other cute tops I can wear for church and I'll wear one of them for Easter. 

What I'm doing this weekend:

I don't know yet! Sunday is an early and long day for us because of choir and tech team stuff for my husband and there being two services, so probably we will come home and eat and then I'll take a nap. Drew and Graham are coming home from being out of town that weekend, so we'll do a family only birthday dinner for Drew. I can't believe he'll be 21! 

What I'm looking forward to next month:

Drew's birthday, senior stuff, time with friends and family, the mountain retreat I mentioned, planning a mini-trip or a day trip with some friends for May or June...lots more, but I'll end with those.

What else is new:

I think that covered everything and more. Oh! Crash is doing really well, my dog who had his ACL repaired. He goes to the vet again tomorrow and if he's healing well with the first one, we will get his second one scheduled ASAP. It seems like a lot, I know, but it'll cut down on his time that he has to spend confined to a small space. He will be like a new pup once it's all over and done with! He's been an excellent patient. 

Thanks for reading! Love to all.


  1. Awe! A 21 year old?? Where do the years go? Hope things go well for your sweet dog! ❤️

  2. Bri- I know! My sentiments EXACTLY. I blinked and they're all grown.


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