Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Prime Purchases- March 2021


Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm linking up with Tanya again for this monthly blog post.

Believe it or not, my purchases this month were few and a bit boring. I only ordered three items! 

The first thing I ordered was a book I borrowed from the library and loved so much that I bought it to keep- Frontier Follies that I posted about yesterday. There were several chapters that I wanted to be able to look back on.

I ordered a baby gift for some young friends having their first child—a boppy pillow and cover, along with one extra cover. I love ordering practical things for gifts for baby showers, particularly when I know it can be used for more than one child. Those type pillows came out right before I had Jonah and Noah, and I remember how much I used them. I'd use them to help me feed them at the same time, and later on I used them to help them learn to sit up.

Lastly, I ordered this book. It's all about the enneagram and though I already know what my number is, I'm excited to read more about it and find out what the other people are in my house. I'm fascinated by personality tests. 

So, that's all I purchased last month. I told you it was a bit boring. Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. Nothing wrong with a good book!!


    1. Yes! I completely agree, Lauren! Thanks for stopping by!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

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