Friday, March 12, 2021

Friday Favorites 3.12.21


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this blog post. 

I have to confess—I am so glad it's Friday! It has been a whirlwind of a week and I am glad "spring break" is on our horizon next week. I have some things planned that I want to do around the house while we're on break and other than what I've got planned, I plan on laying low. 

It's been a great week, as birthday weeks always are. We had THREE this week! Jonah and Noah turned eighteen on Wednesday and Graham turned twenty-two on Thursday. You can read about them here and here, if you're interested. Birthday celebrations are always my favorite. Here are a few of my favorite pictures that I used to honor them.

They're three of my four favorites. Drewby is up next, but his birthday isn't until April 3, which also happens to be the Saturday before Easter Sunday and he, Graham and Jonah will be out of town all weekend. It's weird when they all grow up.

On a completely unexpected note, I left town Sunday after church to drive to a town near Nashville to pick up my sister Debi. Her in-laws live there and she wanted to come home for a visit before flying back to Denver, so I met her there and spent the night there with them that night and we drove back on Wednesday. That being said, after we dropped her hubby off at the airport Monday morning, we headed to my favorite bookstore—McCay's! It's the BEST used book store ever. It's huge! This place alone is worth the drive to Nashville every few months.

Other favorite moments and things include, but are not limited to the following:

Pedicures are my favorite! I treated myself to one Thursday morning, and this color might just be my new favorite—Let's Linger Over Coffee. I wanted something neutral and colorful, if that makes sense. I replaced pale, shimmery pink with this new color.

Bible study days are always my favorite! This week was so sweet, as we met and discussed our homework for the week. Speaking of that, I need to work on our next one while we're on break next week and plan to do that one day. 

Family birthday celebrating is always one of my favorites and I love having a house FULL of people. We were full to overflowing last night, with about twenty-two of us here for dinner and cake. 

One of my favorite parts of my weeks are the days when we're at Bible study and I help lead worship. A sweet young lady who is sixteen helps me with this each week, and she is SUCH a blessing in my life. I adore her and her entire family, but spending even just a few moments with her each week are among some of my favorite moments.

Another favorite moment was when Drew spent time talking to me yesterday. He so rarely comes down and chats, so when he is feeling talkative, I drop everything and listen. I'm so proud of him as he sat and told me his gameplan for the next few years. He still plans on moving out in a couple of months and I am so excited for him. Graham is moving out as well, as soon as they can find a house to rent.

Well, that's about all I can come up with. It's almost nine o'clock on Thursday night and I am not going to last much longer. I have a couple of chapters in a book I'd like to finish so I can return them to the library tomorrow, so I'm going to go do that for a bit before turning in for the night. I hope you have a great weekend! Thanks for reading my blog. Love to all!


  1. So many wonderful birthday celebrations! Love that nail polish color.

  2. Joanne- It was a fun week! But I'm glad it's over now. Ha!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...