Monday, March 29, 2021

four somethings- March

I can't believe it's already almost April! As busy as March was, the month dragged on for what felt like forever. I'm linking up with Heather for this monthly post and I will jump right in.

Something loved:

I loved celebrating three out of four of my handsome sons! Graham turned 22, Jonah and Noah turned 18. My sister Debi (in this picture above on the left) was here to join in the fun! Trish is another sister, in the middle of this. Debi and I were laughing because of how much we matched that night. 

Something read:

I'll share my books for March this week sometime on my blog, so come back and check out that post! Also, I'm away from my book journal and I can't remember the three books I read this month. In the meantime, I've been reading lots of music in choir practice. All our music is new to me and I have actually had to pick up the piece of music to try to read and follow along. I don't read music well, other than following along if I'm able, so this is quite the task for me. Usually I listen to the music over and over and learn it that way. 

This is not a recent picture, but one I took of us about four years ago at a Christmas worship night—but we always have fun at choir practice! This picture pinpointed how I have felt the last two weeks in choir practice when I went in unprepared. 

It makes me laugh.

Something treasured:

Times in Bible study are so near to my heart. I love serving women by helping out at Bible studies each week, whether it's helping with the worship or leading a small group. I love that we can sit and study together and I love the relationships that are formed as a result of all of our talking and getting to know each other. If you're ever able to attend a Bible study, I encourage you to go! We ended Philippians last week and it was very bittersweet to meet that last time. 

Something ahead:

I have a fun trip coming up in just a few weeks! I am part of a writing team at my church and we write Bible studies for women in our church (and around the world, Lord willing) to study the Bible inductively, which is verse by verse. Our next book we're writing on is Esther and we've already gotten started! The five of us who make up the writing team are escaping to the mountains for a few days in just a couple of weeks. I can't wait! We always have a blast when we're together and we end up laughing ourselves silly. It'll be a fun and fast few days, I am sure. 

Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. Oh how I miss Bible studies! What a blessing that you have been able to continue with those - savor every time you meet!! Great photos with your handsome boys!! Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. Jennifer- I know you must miss Bible study terribly! I feel so fortunate to have been able to meet from August until now. I think I said that every week as I welcomed the ladies. 😂 Thank you! I hope you have a great week!

  2. Hi Jennifer! My something loved was celebrating birthdays this month too! Both our children’s and my birthday birthdays are this month! I love your Elf choir photo! We have a very small church and choir so we’ve started buying the CD’s that go along with the music so we can listen to it over and over until we learn it. I know I’m a sight to see in the car (kinda like the Elf) when I’m singing along! Our Bible study group has been able to meet again. We’ve been doing the Chronological Bible and are ready to begin Revelation. Not sure what’s ahead when we finish? I SO enjoyed reading your Four Somethings! Your neighbor, Cindy

  3. Cindy- That is so neat that we share that! That picture made me laugh so hard, because I truly felt like that two Sundays ago. I am so glad y'all have been able to meet in person, there is nothing like it. I love chronological! I have gone through that several times, but am taking a break from it this year for something new to me. I'm glad you "stopped by"! Come back sometime!

  4. Have so much fun on your writing getaway!

  5. Oh, the trip sounds wonderful! I am actually doing an Esther study right now and it is such a great book to study.

  6. Marilyn- it IS! I've studied it a few times before myself, but I've never really dug in to go verse by verse. That's the part I'm excited about!


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