Monday, February 15, 2021

the weekend & the great snowpocalypse of 2021


Happy snow day! I totally forgot to do this blog post last night and am just now getting around to it, at 4:45 on Monday afternoon. I'm linking up with Tanya from The Other Side of the Road for this blog post...better late than never, right? 

First, I am SO GLAD I got out both Saturday and Sunday, because who knows how long it's going to take until all this snow and ice melt? I started the weekend off by watching movies Friday night. I had leftovers for dinner, then I watched Valentine's Day and New in Town on Hulu that night. I don't know how I missed out on New in Town, but it was so cute! I love both Renee Zellweger and Harry Connick Jr. 

I went out with Mom and Trish on Saturday for lunch, then we went to Marshall's and Target. I got home and Todd was working again, so I watched more movies—I don't remember which ones, though. I was going to watch church online on Sunday, but ended up going when I was asked to come sing in a mic for someone else. I'm glad I did, because like I said, I don't nkow when I'll be out next! Todd worked one last time that night and I watched all of the current season of This Is Us. 

Because they're so cute, here are some baby owls. Are they not the most adorable things you've ever seen? Who knew they looked like this?

There was NOBODY at church yesterday, for good reason! It hasn't snowed like this since my boys were little bitty. We have over five inches on the ground and it's still coming down with more on the way. I do love how it looks, it's so pretty, but I don't love the feeling of being trapped in my house. All my guys have been out, but I am staying put until who knows. Not only are our four here, we currently have five extra as well. I'm making a big pasta dinner tonight and my awesome hubby went to two grocery stores for me. He's the literal best ever. 

I took this picture of our dining room, because they all sat there and ate lunch together today. I have always said a full house makes my heart the happiest and thanks to my husband making sure we had food to feed them all, I can sit back and relax, knowing they're all safe at home. 

Well, I need to get up and make dinner now. Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. I love that snowy street scene. It's always fun to see the seasons from someone else's life. So pretty. Hope you are staying warm!!

  2. I agree! I said last night I am so thankful we got out on Saturday and Sunday because it looks like it could be the weekend before I am out again. Stay warm and cozy!


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