Wednesday, January 27, 2021

What's Up Wednesday (January)


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Shay from Mix and Match Mama and Sheaffer from A Little Bit of Everything for this blog post. I will jump right in with this post.

What we're eating this week—

Well, this is hard to answer because it's still Monday! But on that night we had breakfast casserole and orange rolls. For the rest of the week, I foresee something with ground beef, something with chicken (probably my crock pot chicken made with taco seasoning and chicken broth) and maybe a vegetarian pasta night. Those are the meats I have leftover in my freezer from my Costco run last week, but all my meals are easy and yummy. 

What I'm reminiscing about—

Christmas. I still miss my favorite time of year and am still watching the movies I recorded from Hallmark. I watch about two each week to help clear up some of the space on the DVR of my Frndly app on tv.

Also, I miss the twinkling lights and the cozy feeling that I so love. Between you and me, I still have a few Christmas things left out that I never took down. Nobody has mentioned them, so let's see how long that lasts. I made myself laugh.

What I'm loving—

My husband is the master at making an awesome fire. We've thorougly enjoyed using it this season and are quickly going through the firewood we have stored out in the side yard at our house. I think this is Todd's favorite past time lately and it's like a game to him, getting a fire going each night when it's cold.

What we've been up to—

What haven't we been up to, would be the more accurate question. Todd has been riding shifts a lot lately with the sheriff's department, Graham and Drew just came back from Nashville, Jonah and Noah have been hanging out with friends (they've all been doing that), and I am about to start writing for our women's Bible study that will be for in August of 2021. Up until I start writing, I keep reading and re-reading the book we're writing on for our study, in several different versions. 

What I'm dreading—

I honestly can't think of anything I'm dreading at the moment and I know that seems shocking, but it's true. 

What I'm working on—

See above statement. I'm also trying to stay on top of laundry and organizing things at home. I have two projects in my home that I'm hoping to finish soon, but I've not been in any hurry for either. It seems like things keep popping up to take precedence over those things, but surely they'll be done before the spring comes.

What I'm excited about—

Bible study with new friends (and some returning ladies) at our church, a new worship pastor coming in a couple of weeks, hope that things will turn around soon and fully open once more, an upcoming retreat with some friends in April...lots more, but I don't have all the details yet.

What I'm watching/reading—

On tv, I'm watching Hallmark movies and Army Wives (again). Just this weekend I finished When Calls the Heart on Netflix (if left on the 24th) because the newest season starts in February. 

I'm reading lots these days and will write about it more tomorrow, but here is a sneak peak:

This book is AMAZING. I think everyone should read it and go slowly through the book. I'm only on chapter two, but I am taking my time and writing down things I want to remember. It's both good and very practical. 

What I'm listening to—

Have you heard of the group (or seen the movie on Netflix) The Fisherman's Friends? I was talking to Todd about this movie on Sunday night and when I read the description to Todd, Jonah overheard me say "sea shanties" and then proceeded to tell us how much he loves this music. We cracked up, because he's seventeen and loves the sound of Irish (Cornall?) music. Google it and/or look it up on Netflix, I can't wait to watch the movie. 

Other favorites include Rend Collective, The Cranberries, Casting Crowns, Elevation Worship, Jonathan McReynolds, Passion 2021 Worship on Spotify, JJ Heller and a couple of winter playlists by The Nester and Sophie Hudson on Spotify.

What I'm wearing—

A coat and scarf when it's cold, but mainly cozy fleece pants and a hooded sweatshirt because I'm home more often than not. 

What I'm doing this weekend—

Reading, watching movies, cooking (most likely), seeing Mom and Trish (hopefully), going to church in person for the first time in two weeks.

What I'm looking forward to next month

Ummm, I have no idea. Maybe making a special meal to celebrate Valentine's? I'm going back in time to a few years ago when the boys were young and I'd make something special. I think I'll do that again, including their favorite chocolate molten lava cakes.

What else is new

I think I've covered it all! Thanks for reading along. Love to all!


  1. That book may be my February book to read so looking forward to the review. It could be a fun challenge to see how long you can keep Christmas decor out without someone noticing :). Stay warm this cold day!

  2. That's a great idea to see how long passes before someone says something. Ha! I ended up taking it down right after I wrote this because it was bothering me all of a sudden. Thanks, you too!

  3. We have family living next door so we do love our actual neighbor! :)

  4. I still have one string of Christmas lights up over our dining room window because it adds a cozy glow and I couldn't bear the thought of taking them down. We'll probably take them down in March - HAHAHA!!!


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