Monday, January 25, 2021



Happy Monday, friends! How was your weekend? Mine was very low-key for the second weekend in a row, but I am definitely not complaining. My introverted self charges up by time like that. I'm linking up with Tanya from The Other Side of the Road for this blog post. 

My weekend kicked off with my dad coming over on Friday—I am glad that some things never change. I love our Fridays together and lately the time has been going by so fast. I took him home and stayed to visit for about a half hour, then came home so my oldest sons could have it for the weekend. They went to Nashville for the weekend to stay with a friend and to watch the big fight. I am so glad they have good friends, one thing I have always asked the Lord for was for them each to have at least one good friend and He has been faithful to hear my prayer and answer that plea. I am happy to say they each have more than just one, though. 

I love what both of these images remind us about friends—and I am also very thankful for the fact that my sons are not just brothers, they are friends with each other and they all hang out together all the time. It's another prayer that the Lord answered for me and I don't take it for granted. I pray they always remain this way, because it's how they were brought up.

Todd worked both Friday and Saturday nights, so I watched movies and a few episodes of a show on Netflix. On Saturday in the daytime, I went out with Mom and Trish and we had fun going in just a few stores for something Mom was looking for. We had the best lunch—hibachi chicken and sides for them and sushi for me—at Stix.

I watched church online Sunday, because my car was still gone and also because I didn't feel great. I think I bruised a rib by sneezing a few days ago, because my side has been hurting and it hurts to laugh or sing (or sneeze). I am feeling a little better today, so I'm glad for that and also that livestream is an option for when I'm under the weather. It was a great service and I always love when our Pastor starts a new series. He will be preaching on Mark for the next fifteen weeks, so I may also be reading some in that book as extra time with Jesus each day. I miss doing that as he preaches—a couple of years ago as a church family, we read through the new testament by reading one chapter a day for five days each week. At the end of each week, Pastor Chuck would preach on something we'd read that week. We journaled as we did this together, using the H.E.A.R. method: Highlight a verse that stands out, Explain what it means, Apply it to your life, Respond in prayer. I LOVED doing that and so did many of my friends.

Todd built a roaring fire for us for the rest of Sunday and I read my book and worked on blog stuff for the week. I feel ready for the week and am looking forward to the days ahead. How was your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, love to all. 


  1. That is such a good feeling as a mom to see your kids have good friends and to be friends with their siblings! Thanks for sharing the H.E.A.R. method when reading the bible. I haven't heard that before, but really like that. Have a good Monday!

  2. Marilyn- I think that is one of the greatest feelings a mom can have. It seems like you get that, as well. I do sometimes miss the days of having little ones, but for the most part I love their present ages. They make me proud. You're welcome! It's one of my favorite ways to read and journal Scripture because it forces you to go slowly. I hope you enjoy trying it for yourself. Have a great rest of your day!

  3. I haven't heard of that method of Bible reading. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Carrie- you're welcome! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do when I read that way!


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