Monday, January 11, 2021



Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Tanya from The Other Side of the Road for this Monday link-up. In spite of all that is going on in the world, I had a great weekend. I started it off with my dad on Friday—instead of me making something, we decided Chick Fil A sounded good and that's what we went with. He loves the spicy chicken sandwich and he even splurged and got some fries to go with his lunch. (He never eats fries, but I'm glad he decided to enjoy some in his nintieth year of life.)

It was blustery and cold, so I had this fire going when he got here. (Don't be too impressed, it was a log that burned for four hours.) It was a great day with him and I took him home around four. I didn't feel great after that, so I came home and just reclined in my chair for a bit, then I ate some chicken and rice soup for dinner while I watched Hallmark movies. (I've watched several this weekend!) 

On Saturday I went out with my mom and sister. We had lunch and went to two thrift stores, where I scored some books for very little money, including a commentary I can use while I'm writing my portion of our next women's Bible study! (We've been given our assignments, but I'm still in the reading and studying phase.)

I was very happy to be able to wear this scarf and a coat and gloves on Saturday. I love these cold months. 

When I came home, Todd had a roaring fire going in the fireplace and we sat and enjoyed it together the rest of the day. We ordered pizza for dinner and I started (and made it halfway through) the final book in the series I've been reading. I'll blog about the books I read this month later in January.

Todd had a callout on Sunday morning while the rest of us were at church, and I was there bright and early for praise team rehearsal at eight thirty before the service began at ten forty-five.

I took this picture to send to my friend Christa. She gave me the gray bag you see by my feet as part of my birthday gift a few weeks ago, and it's become my favorite bag. It's the perfect size for me to carry all my church stuff in—when I'm there early, I take my quiet time materials and do that while I wait on the service to begin. (I don't attend a Bible fellowship class anymore.) It held two Bibles, my journal, my glasses, some pens and a bottle of hand sanitizer.

I also had my purse, the cute brown backback style purse my sister Debi gave me back in October. It's  become my very favorite purse and one of the nicest I've ever owned. (Debi, if you're reading this, THANK YOU! I also think of you all the time because I love the fuzzy slippers and that setting powder you gave to each of us. You spoil us, Sissy!)

After church I came home and had a bowl of soup, then watched another Hallmark movie. I took a very short nap and when Todd came home, I made him a pot of coffee and then had dinner. (He wasn't hungry yet.) I took the above photo when I was outside with my dogs yesterday. I love the season of winter—all the seasons, really, but I love how the trees are bare, the weather is clear and cold, the days are dark and dreary, the ease with which I can breathe (I have seasonal asthma) and the heaviness I feel in the clouds when snow seems imminent. I thought the trees looked so beautiful when I looked up and saw them in the gray sky. 

Last night I worked on blog stuff, I read more of my current book and I browsed Instagram and the stories I so love. How was your weekend? Have you gotten back to "normal" life again since the holidays have passed by? I'd love to hear from you! 

Thank you for reading my blog and for the ones who are always so kind to comment, thank you! Nothing encourages me quite like seeing comments pop up on my blog. Love to all! 



  1. Cute scarf & looks so pretty! Sounds like a good find of the commentary book at a thrift store. Glad it was a good, cozy weekend!

  2. Love that you live near your family so you can do fun days like you had Saturday. I love thrifting, especially for books! You are writing a Bible study?!?! I LOVE that! Will you be sharing it? Is it your first one?

    1. That's one of the best things about living near our families. And quality time is my love language. ❤️ This is the second study that I've written as part of a writing team of five ladies I attend church with. I will share about it as soon as I have a copy in my hands! You can always let me know if you'd like a copy and I'd be glad to send it to you! The way we are going about it this semester is either in person or anyone can watch the live video teaching each week, via Facebook. As soon as I know a bit more, I'll share about it on my blog. We are about to start writing our third study as a team, which will come out in August of this year.

  3. You look fabulous in your scarf!


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