Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Wednesday- Currently series


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Anne at in residence for the monthly "currently" series. This is a series where I'll share each month what I am currently beginning, feeling, organizing, resolving and wondering. 

Beginning: I am loving my new Everyday With Jesus Bible that I started on January 1. 

I love reading through the Bible (or a portion of it) each year and this is what I'm using right now. It's a new Bible that was just released later in 2020 and it's in my favorite version, which is the CSB (Christian Standard Bible). I've recommended it to so many people and have several friends going through this with me. 

Feeling: Honestly, I've been struggling with a sinus issue for the past week, so I haven't been feeling the best lately. It's hit or miss as the weather dips or rises and when it rains. On the flip side of this, because you know I like to look at the bright side of things, I've been LOVING waking up sometime during the five o'clock hour again. Between Christmas and the New Year, I was sleeping in until seven, but I'm back at my early hour once again and I love it. I get SO MUCH done in the seven o'clock hour each morning. As I write this, I'm watching the sun make its colorful appearance and the sky is ablaze with purples and pinks.

Organizing: This week I've worked on the upstairs. I found myself in a closet for an hour and a half yesterday straightening and hanging things up properly once again and I have plans to do that one day soon in the downstairs closet under the stairs. My cabinets and drawers stay pretty organized all the time because there are six of us in the house and if I don't do a little of that each day, it would make me crazy.

Resolving: I don't really "do" resolutions, but I always like to make improvements. I need to start walking again and I hope to read more this year. I always start strong, then I taper off in about June or July. I want to be consistent and spend at least one hour a day reading. So far it's going good and I'll probably finish my third book today.

This was me reading on Monday morning while I waited on my mom to get to my house. We went and ran a couple of errands together. 

Wondering: I'm always wondering about the future. Most of you reading this know I quit watching all of the news (thanks to anxiety) and I keep hearing bits and pieces of what's going on. I don't know what all I trust and I just know that this has made me very contemplative. One thing I know for certain—if I didn't have the hope of Jesus, I don't know that I'd be able to stand. I often am burdened for our country and I pray for this so much.

Are you a believer and follower of Him? If you don't know, please reach out to someone today! If you're able, attend or watch a service on Sunday. My own church has a livestream that takes place at 10:45 each Sunday and you can go to our website to watch: Scroll down and you'll see the countdown until the service begins. Until then, pray and have fellowship with Jesus all throughout your day, if you're able. Read His Word and saturate your mind in truth, not in what is happening in the world. It's good to be informed, I'm not saying that, but don't overload yourself.

These are just the things on my heart and in my mind. I pray you know the Lord and that my words always point you to Him. Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 



  1. Reading an hour a day is most definitely my kind of resolution! And I love that early morning productive hour too - I always start in on my email inboxes at 6am and can just get so much done.

    Thanks for joining in the linkup!

    1. I'm so glad I stumbled upon it! Thank you for hosting!

  2. I love your heart for Jesus! Thank you....I also love that you are an early riser and can accomplish much in those wee hours. Me too! Happy New Year! xoxo Carrie

  3. Carrie- thank you so much for your encouragement! I'm going to find you and your blog now so I can encourage you some as well! I have loved the early hours since my boys were little, I suppose some things never change. Happy New Year to you!

  4. Reading for an hour a day sounds wonderful. This is the first year I haven't made a long list of resolutions and it feels quite nice for a change :)
    All the best for 2021.

  5. Anthea- I have had years like that as well. I honestly don't like resolutions because I feel like I'm setting myself up for failure. Thank you and I hope the same for you!

  6. The weather changes affect my sinuses too. I just want to tell Michigan to stay winter for a while! Lol.

    I got up early today, 5:30 and had the house to myself. I didn't do anything but drink my coffee and watch the sunrise and it was so nice. :)

    1. Yes! I want it to stay around here too, for us near Memphis. That sounds like a heavenly morning!

  7. I'm so impressed you've stopped watching the news. I used to not care but between Covid and American politics, it's become engaging again.

    1. It definitely took some getting used to, but I feel better when I don't watch.


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