Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Tuesday Talk {routines}


Happy Tuesday, friends! Today I am linking up with Erika from A Little Bit of Everything

I thought I'd share about routines today. I love time off from things, but I also love a good routine and some structure within my day. I do know how to have fun and I'm okay with sometimes being spontaneous, but for the most part I prefer knowing things ahead of time and how each day will look. 

There are things I do everyday that stay the exact same. Those things are quiet time, making lunches and coffees to go for anyone who needs one (usually 2), cleaning the kitchen while emptying the dishwasher, dinner prep, making my bed and tidying the upstairs areas while I'm getting dressed for the day, one load of laundry (and putting it away immediately), making time to read a book for at least an hour a day, vacuuming the downstairs, cooking dinner and I almost always use a feather duster on all the downstairs furniture (hello, dogs). When I have to be somewhere in the mornings, then some of this will be relegated to my sons or pushed back until I'm home again, like when we start back to Bible study on Wednesdays. 

It isn't as time consuming as it sounds because usually things stay put away in their places. It may take longer if I've skipped a couple of days doing this, like today when my washing machine is waiting to be repaired, but these things usually don't take long. I've always been the kind of person who cleans everyday so things don't get too bad. An example of this would be when I'm in my bathroom getting dressed—I put everything away when I'm finished using it and then I wipe all the counters off with a cloth I use each day when I put on my makeup. Another example would be when I wash my hands in the downstairs restroom—I always get my hands wet and wipe off the counter by the sink, then I dry my hands and dry the surface. I keep things in places that make sense, like in the bathrooms there are cleaning products either under the sink or in a closet.

One way I do all of this is by getting up early each day. I am always more productive in the mornings, because after lunch is when I make the time for things that make me happy, like reading a book or sitting and watching a Hallmark movie while I eat lunch. When I'm done with the movie and lunch, I work on pulling items together for dinner that night or I'll read more. I'm not usually one for making goals and resolutions in the new year, but this year I did promise myself to spend more time reading on a consistent basis, meaning that I read every single day. (This is why I'm on my seventh book of January.) I also read at night while Todd is here and we're watching a show, though I sometimes use that time to write and schedule blog posts for the week.

That was my lunch yesterday—chicken salad and crackers. Yum! 

One thing I've always loved is going to bed with a clean kitchen. Usually that's when I run the dishwasher and then I empty it early in the morning. I will say that I also have a house full of boys who are very good at doing things to help me out and will almost always do that without complaining. They're responsible for all of the outside and all the trashes and recycling and their own rooms and bathrooms.

How do you spend your day? I'm always interested in hearing about how other friends spend their time. Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. Loved reading your daily routine and they are very productive! I feel like the days go by so fast, even though I am not busy all day. I am still trying to get back into a routine this new year, with this week being our first normal one with no guests or trips. I need to do some meal planning in my day, since I haven't done much cooking lately :). Have a good day!

  2. Our routines sound similar. My routine has changed so much since I'm not driving kids to school and activities! Have a terrific Tuesday!

  3. Marilyn~ It definitely helps having a routine when life slows back down to normal. At least, let's keep saying that to help you feel better. Ha! I was so ready to cook again when January hit. Nothing makes me feel as good as when I know what's for dinner, even if it's a plan to grab some pizza. I hope you have a good day too!

  4. Tanya- I bet your routine is so different! That can be really nice sometimes, the slowing down that happens in life. I feel like mine changed when my youngest sons started driving...they never need me anymore! It's nice, but also a little sad. Now that I'm used to it, I love that they drive. Have a great day!


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