Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year, friends! I thought I'd encourage you just for a few moments before the day gets away from all of us. I have a new daily Bible that I am going to read through this year. I want to encourage you to have a plan for reading Scripture everyday this year, and whatever that looks like or however you get there is not the point— the point is to be in the Word of God every single day. 

This is the Bible I'll be using, but you can find a plan on the free app, YouVersion, if that suits you more. This particular Bible will have me in the Old Testament, a Psalm, a part of Proverbs and in the New Testament each day with a little commentary at the end to help me summarize what I've read.

Additionally, I'll be writing out Scripture each day, because for me to write out the Word of God is what helps me to keep it hidden in my heart. I know lots of people who make this their daily reading plan, though and that is also a great idea! Again, it's not the amount of time spent in God's Word, it's just that you spend time with Him everyday. If you'd prefer the printable version of this writing plan, visit Shannon at

Do you have a plan for spending time with Jesus everyday this year? I'd love to hear from you! I pray these words encourage you and I pray that I always point you to the Lord, the giver of every good and perfect gift. Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 



  1. I am using that list for writing the scriptures daily, as well as a cute little book my kids gave me called Dwell. It's a 30 day guided journal by Muscadine Press. I have a gratitude section in my yearly journal, as well as a section for prayer.

    1. That sounds so good! Sounds like a great plan to abide with Jesus everyday in 2021. ❤️ Have a great day!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

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