Sunday, January 24, 2021

Four Somethings, January Edition


I love this link-up each month! It's become a favorite post to write and I will love having them to look back on over the years. I am linking up with Heather over at Living the Full Life blog.

Something loved:

Winter! If you're reading this and live somewhere where it snows a lot, then ignore this, but we don't normally have a lot of winter weather here near Memphis, Tn. I love the winter season (I love all the seasons) and have thoroughly enjoyed the cold days. I've been able to wear both a coat AND a scarf, which says a lot because I am hot natured and as I'm writing this and am sitting here about to start sweating because my husband has a fire going. I can breathe so much better when it's cold outside! I even love the short and dreary days.

I've also loved all the Winter Hallmark movies this month. I've even been watching some of the Christmas ones I'd recorded, so it still feels like Christmas in my heart.

Something read:

Check back in a few days for more of what I read this month, but for now I'll share this Bible. I am loving reading the Bible in this way and after a year of chronological order, this seems very refreshing. I love chronological Bible reading, don't get me wrong, I just can't do it year after year. I have to give myself year long breaks, because it's pretty intense.

I've read lots of other books this month, too, so come back and visit when I share about that this week.

Something treasured:

Time with Jesus each day has been something I've treasured this month and so was a very unexpected lunch with one of my best friends. 

I don't take these moments for granted—life has been hard lately and it's felt forced. What I mean by that is that I've been trying to live in the moments that make up each day and enjoying the things that make me smile. Time with Jesus and time to catch up with friends both bless my soul in ways you can't imagine, even if it's only a phone call. I was able to have two friend lunches this month, with Christa pictured above and with my friend Teresa and I was able to have dinner out with a couple of young ladies who are younger in years and faith than me. I hope to have more of that in February. 

Something ahead:

In the past week, I have stepped way back from social media. My blog automatically posts there, so it may look like I'm on more than I am, but I've not been. I've done this intentionally because it just seems exhausting lately. I am fine and nothing is wrong, I've just stepped back and am spending my time doing other things like Bible study homework, extra Bible reading, watching a good show or movie and reading books. I hope to continue on in this in the coming days and remember to step away from my phone in general. I feel like I'm too plugged in all the time and I don't like the feeling all of a sudden. I may post some on social media, or I may not, but if I do that I plan to get right back off. If I don't comment there, that will be the reason why. 

Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. That snow looks so beautiful. I live in a place where it never snows which is probably a good thing as I'm a summer girl.
    Good on your for stepping back from social media and being more unplugged!

  2. Jillian, I thought it was beautiful too! We usually get one snow a year, but I don't think we had any in 2020. Thanks for that encouragement!

  3. I also love when it snows since we get it so rarely. I'm glad you were able to spend time with friends. I'm trying to schedule playground meetups so we can get fresh air and time with other people as safely as possible.

  4. Yes! It's so nice having things like that planned again. I'm so ready to start living life once again and am looking forward to things opening back up. Who knew I'd want to go and sit inside Chick Fil A???

  5. Tell me more about your Bible. What is the reading plan like? I am reading the Bible chronologically this year.

  6. Jennifer, I enjoyed reading your share four somethings. Such a lovely post. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.

  7. I'm on the eastern side of the state. Snow is unusual for us too (unless we drive into the mountains) but I love it!! Your home is beautiful and the snow is the perfect accessory.

  8. Hey there, Heather! I love this Bible that I got for my birthday. Each day I read a couple of chapters in the old testament, a couple of chapters in the new testament, a portion of a Psalm and a couple of verses in Proverbs. I love it because it breaks the monotony of the heavy days of reading that the chronological way offers. I just finished reading that way last year and do that plan every couple of years, but this feels very fresh and easy, which I needed. I hope that helps!

  9. Paula-

    Thank you so much, for stopping by and for the sweet words of encouragement! I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  10. Brooke-

    Then you understand the wonder I feel of snow! I have sisters in Colorado who probably laugh over my obsession, but we just so rarely see it that I'll never grow tired of it when it does happen. Thank you for that encouragement! I hope you had a wonderful weekend!


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