Monday, December 21, 2020

weekending and Hello Monday link-up


Happy Monday, friends! Merry Christmas week to you! I'm linking up with Tanya from The Other Side of the Road for this blog post. 

It was a really great weekend for all of us. I got mine kicked off with my dad on Thursday. Other than a slight misunderstanding on my part, we got him to my house safely and had a yummy lunch and another wonderful day together. The next day I had a hair appointment for a trim, long layers and fresh blonde color. I love hair day and go four times a year. 

I took this early Saturday morning. I sat and watched part of a show and reflected on how much I love this time of day when nobody is up except for the dogs and me. It's quiet and the time seems so reverent. I pray during this time sometimes, because it just seems right for that. I have always loved this time of time since my boys were little.

I started getting ready for Christmas with the Goodwins and made some things to take with us, then we spent the day at their house.

It was a wonderful, wonderful day.

The boys and I went home, Todd worked a shift with the sheriff's department and my sister Trish came over for girls night in with our favorite Christmas movie. (The Family Stone.)

And this was me at 9:30 after praise team rehearsal at church on Sunday.

I said this on Instagram about this picture above—I love to sing to and to help lead in worship at church, but my favorite time to do this is when the songs are Christmas songs. I love this song that we sang on Sunday, All is Well. After church, we had a lunch provided for the praise team people singing in the Christmas eve services, then we had special rehearsal to follow. 

It'll look different this year, as everything else and in true 2020 form, but we have three services for Christmas eve this year to keep crowds minimal and to practice keeping distance. There is a six p.m. service on Wednesday the 23rd, a 3pm slot on Christmas eve and then a 5:30 service to follow that one. If you're local to me and need a place to worship, I'd love to invite you. Here is a link that you can register on—we are registering to allow only a set amount of people into each service to practice distance. Masks are encouraged, but not mandated.

After choir practice, I came home, put on my pajamas and spent the rest of the day relaxing and watching tv. It was lovely.

Look how cute our town is! I took this when we drove around the town square this weekend. I'd love to work on our square someday. I do plan on looking for a part time job after Jonah and Noah graduate. I've been thinking about this for a couple of years now and either it didn't work out, the timing was right, or I didn't have peace about working at that time. Lord willing, after they graduate in May, maybe that summer or in the fall I will look for something two or three days a week. I want to do something outside of our home, but I still need time to play and to do things with my mom and dad. I trust the Lord will give me wisdom in this and that He will direct my steps.

Well, how was your weekend? I'd love to hear from you!  Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all.



  1. I love your new header photo! Looks like you had a wonderful weekend. I always loved singing in church but there was something extra special about singing Christmas carols.

    1. Thank you! It was wonderful. Yes, you get it! Have a wonderful week and Merry Christmas!

  2. I loved seeing your weekend wrapup, especially the family gathering. Merry Christmas! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. Thanks, Tanya! Merry Christmas to you, my friend. ❤️


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