Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Prime Lately


It's a double post kind of day. Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm linking up with Tanya again for this blog post.

I've been wearing out the Amazon prime lately, thanks to 2020 and thanks to sick days last week. I use it for both things we need and things I want, like the shower cap I ordered Saturday. Here is the link for the shower cap—I bought this because I only wash my hair three times a week, so when I shower it gets all wet and gross, even if it is up in a bun. 

I will use it, I promise.

I bought these headphones for myself last week, because I needed some new ones that work. Here is the link for the ones I bought. I love them, by the way. They were inexpensive and the quality is excellent.

I buy books from here, this one being my most recent. Here's the link. 

I have bought Christmas presents galore! I did this last night, but I can't share what I bought in case my sons are reading this. I also like to add things to my public wish list so that I can share it when the giving season starts. You should see my wish list! Here it is, I hope this link works. I have both practical and fun things on the list.

I bought some nail polish remover recently when I ran out. Here's what I bought.

I also buy our shampoo and conditioner from Amazon, in the subscribe and save option. I don't remember what I did before Amazon, do you? It's my favorite way to shop, because I dislike shopping. 

What do you buy from there? I'd love to hear from you! 

Thanks for reading, love to all.


  1. I really need a shower cap, as I only wash my hair about twice a week! Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  2. You'll have to try one...I can't wait to try the one I bought. Thanks for hosting!

  3. I am adding those headphones to my list! That is something we always need around here :).

  4. Marilyn~

    Good! I think you'll be impressed like I was with them. I love looking to see what people buy on Amazon, don't you?

    Have a great day!


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