Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday Favorites- Happy Always Merry Everything Edition

Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals and her friend for this blog post. I have so many favorite things and moments from this week—I'll try to keep this on the shorter side, but here goes my top ten from this week.

I laughed so hard at this when I saw it on Wednesday night—it's my favorite thing from the interwebs this week. It's so true! I was having a moment on Wednesday with a gift that we ordered. I have to keep my perspective about things like this. No matter what does or does not come is of no matter! It'll all work out fine.

Monday was my 44th birthday and the whole day was my favorite. I spent time with Mom, I woke up to cards, I had spent a day with my best friend on a daytrip to Nashville two days prior and was still overflowing from our time together, we had a great meal, my home was full of sweet and kind young men, I had a Nothing Bundt Cake their friend brought me and we ended the night taking pictures on our town square. 

This was them about nine years ago...

And this was us Monday night.

Below is my bonus son, Alex and me. He's been in our lives since he was three or four. He's grown up a tiny bit in all those years gone by, he's seventeen now.

All these boys and all their friends are my favorite. For as long as I can remember, I've been happiest in the midst of noise and the more people we have in our home, the happier my heart is. I was made to be a mom to sons and I am so proud of all of ours.

Reliving these sweet memories has been my favorite this week. Look at their sweet little faces! 

I mentioned that their friend Max brought me a red velvet Nothing Bundt Cake—this is my favorite cake. I finished off the last piece on Wednesday.

Quality time is my favorite and so is my pretty mama! 

This was Jonah in first grade and his friend Ben. They're seniors now and they're still friends. I could cry. Boys are my favorite, have I mentioned that? Also, Ben was the CUTEST and sweetest kid I've ever met. One time he was with us at my in-love's house and Todd, Ben and Jonah were tossing a ball around and when Todd threw it to Ben, Ben missed and it crashed into a big giraffe statue and and the gifaffe broke. Ben burst into tears, and my husband just ran and scooped him up and hugged him, assuring him it was okay, nobody was upset. That memory is one of my favorites, because Ben was and still is one of the sweetest friends they have.

My new necklace is my favorite! This was the birthday gift I picked out from my hubby. 

Doodling is one of my favorite things to do. I read these verses in Luke yesterday as part of my quiet time and the way the verses are worded made me think of an overflowing cup. I feel like that a lot of times—so full that I am brimming. The Lord has been so sweet to me.

This is one of my favorite things I saw on Timehop this week. It's so true.

This pretty church is my newest favorite decoration! I bought it from one of my favorite decorating shops in Germantown with some birthday money from my dad and stepmom. It reminds me of my dad and when we used to sing in choir together at church. I'll treasure this forever.

These are a couple of my favorite books right now. One is vintage and one is new.

How cute is our wrapping paper? Wrapping presents is one of my favorite Christmas tasks.

Our home all decked out for Christmas is my favorite. I'll never get tired of tree gazing.

Saturday was one of my favorite days because my best friend and I went to Nashville just for a daytrip. We had the most fun time and came home with memories to last a lifetime and funny sayings that are only funny to us. Missy is my favorite, only after Jesus, Todd, my sons and all our parents. 

This nightlight was one of my birthday gifts and it is one of my favorite things ever. I needed a light for my bathroom and this has been so helpful. I love it so much! 

Having people over is my favorite. This was me getting lunch ready for my dad and me on Thursday. We normally do Fridays together, but I have a hair appointment today, so we spent Thursday together instead. We had potato soup, cheesy garlic bread and mini gingerbread cookies for lunch. It was delicious and later on, we had coffee to warm us up.

Well, I'll wrap this post up with this last one. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all.



  1. Looks like an amazing birthday celebration!!! I have 2 little boys and seeing your pics of your kiddos and friends just made me tear up! I will have to remember that little lunch combination because it sounded yummy. Have a great weekend!

    1. It was, Life with ABCD! And sorry I made you cry, but I made myself cry too. 😂 Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Jennifer, it looks like you had the best birthday! I am so happy to see that! You do NOT look 44! Your new necklace is beautiful!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    1. I really did have the best birthday. I get so overwhelmed at the kindness and sweetness of the Lord. He has been so good to me and He alone is worthy of praise. 🙌 Thank you for that sweet compliment, you are officially my favorite person ever. I will say, good genes run in my family...Mom and Dad do not look their age. He is 89 and she is 76. ❤️ Have a great weekend, my friend!


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