Friday, December 4, 2020

Friday Favorites [Merry everything edition]

Happy Friday, friends! I am linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, Simply Sweet Home and BFF Open House for this Friday Favorites blog post. 

This week went by so fast—I sincerely hope and pray that the rest of the time before Christmas slows down. The later in the month of December it becomes, the sadder I get. It's not actually the day of Christmas that I love so much, it's the time before the day that is so magical to me. People are kind and generous, we do fun things together as a family, we give gifts and look for ways to bless other people, there are beautiful sights and sounds to enjoy. I could go on, but you get my point. 

I have many things to share that are my favorites from this week, so I'll jump right in.

Christmas earrings are my FAVORITE! I love these sparkly ones that I bought last year from Amazon. They came in a multi pack, so I have tons of them—red, sparkly red, green, sparkly green, trees, name it, I have them. I will wear Christmas jewelry everyday in December. 

Here is a link for some that are very similar to the ones that I bought last year. 

If you know me at all, you know that I get my nails done and that nail polish is my favorite. It always has been and probably always will be. I went and got mine done this Tuesday, because it had been an entire month since I last went. [I went the day I voted in the presidential election.] After having dark nail polish since September, I was ready for something merry and bright. I went in for red sparkly, and that is what I got. I did my own nails forever and only in the last three years started getting them done professionally. My mom introduced me to the dip powder option in the fall of 2019 and I have been getting that ever since. The thing about dip powder that I love is that it makes my nails long and it strengthens them. [Mine are paper thin and peel easily.]

All that to say, Christmas nails are my favorite nails.

It's been a favorite pasttime to look back on Christmas memories this week. Loook how little they were! 

I love a new month because it brings a new Scripture writing plan. I will always be so glad for the day I came across these plans—and I have been doing them every month since that day. Scripture writing is my favorite because it helps me to memorize Scripture. 

Speaking of favorites, this verse is one of mine. I wrote a short devotional on this verse a few days ago and shared it Wednesday on my blog—if you haven't read it, I'd love for you to check it out! I pray it encourages you. 
Our Christmas house is my favorite house. How cute are these wreaths above the kitchen sink?  On Wednesday I went to Hobby Lobby for a new journal and came home with that and these little wreaths. I think I'm going to go back and get a few more. 

On Thursday's blog post, I shared more of our Christmas decorations. Those 'come on in' posts are my favorite posts and I use them from year to year when I decorate and change things up in our home.

I love this picture. It was taken about four years ago when we were at a Christmas concert in downtown Memphis. Drew decided to reenact the scene from Elf where Buddy rides the escalator—which is all great and fun until Drew's pants split wide open. 

Boys are my favorite.

I love this statement and think it is so true. I pray that I always make room for Jesus in my life, in all of my daily moments and routines. I honestly try to never skip a day of reading in the Bible, but I am human and I do miss a day from time to time. One of the things I pray everyday is that I always cherish  time with Jesus. 

He is the reason why I celebrate this season, He is the reason I sing, He is the one I adore. I'll be honest here and confess that sharing the gospel with people I meet is not easy for me, but I know that for us as believers and followers of Jesus, we have a responsibility to do that. Very rarely have I actually ever shared the entire gospel with someone that I met. I have to trust that even though I don't fully do that, that He would plant a seed in someone's heart through words that He gave me to say. This could be through being friendly with people I meet while I'm out and about, it could be through a smile I share, or it could be the light in my eyes as I make eye contact with someone passing by. I've had many conversations with people about Jesus and I have had many conversations with people about how they can have a relationship with Him. I always pray that the Lord would use me in my daily life and I believe He does just that. This is the reason why I always try to have a smile on my face—it's so that I will look approachable to someone who sees me. 

Do you do this kind of thing? I would love to hear from some of you about this. I love hearing how people share about Jesus with other people. 

Thank you for reading my blog, friends. I hope you have a great weekend. Love to all! 


  1. Cute earrings and your nails look so pretty! I agree, December goes by way too fast. Have a good weekend!

  2. Thank you so much, Marilyn! I hope you have a great weekend too.

  3. I love your Christmas nails! I tend to paint my nails once a week; I like to do them myself because I like to change colors so often.

    1. Joanne--

      Thank you! I always did my own as well, and I would do them every three days. I loved to change the color all the time. These days I do a certain color over and again...but I love Christmas sparkles the most! Have a great weekend! ❤️


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...