Monday, December 28, 2020

Four Somethings (December and a link-up)

Hello again! I am linking up with HeatherGerwin for this blog post that I've come to love. And on that note, I will jump right in with this post.

Something loved:

Time with family and friends. I plan on writing about this more one day this week, but for now I know the Lord is showing me things I've never seen before. Just last week, He opened my eyes to the fact that all of our sons' friends come into our home very often and recently the Lord gave me an opportunity with one of them on how he can become a believer in and follower of Jesus. This one young man told me that he always felt so peaceful after he and I talk—I told him that was the Jesus in me he was drawn to and that the Lord was drawing him to Himself. (He actually said to me that he is NOT a believer and that he doesn't know Jesus.) 

I said all that to say this—I love the thought of this home being a place of peace and a place where people feel welcome to come in as they are. My prayer is that they feel the peace that surpasses all understanding as they enter in and that they feel loved, cherished and welcomed in with open arms. God has been so faithful to hear and answer my prayers. I give Him the praise and honor He deserves, and I am grateful to Him for using me (us) in my plea. 

(Pictured above is Mom with my sons, about three or four years ago.)

(Pictured above is one of my best friend's and me just last Monday night—she came over and I fed her dinner, then we drove around and looked at Christmas lights with a peppermint milkshake in hand from Chick Fil A. It was so much fun and perfectly magical.)

(Above is my oldest son, Graham and me from Christmas with the Goodwin family about a week ago. Isn't he adorable? How am I the age to have an almost 22 year old son???)

(Above are all our sons Graham on the left, then Noah, Drew and Jonah. Graham is 21, Noah is 17, Drew is 20 and Jonah is also 17 and a twin.) This was my birthday night and all I wanted was this picture with them and me. I am so proud to be their mom and am so grateful to God for entrusting them to me to love and help raise with my husband.

Something read:

I read all the Christmas books in December. I loved Elin Hilderbrand's Winter Street series and I read this cute little vintage book I found recently.

It's a book put out by Guideposts back in 1999 and it's called Christmas Treasures. I tried to find a picture, but I deleted it already. It's a sweet little book that has short stories and poems or quotes from various writers. I loved this quote inside.

I've enjoyed flipping through The Power of Praying For Your Adult Children by Stormie O'Martian that my friend Christa gave to me as a gift. I needed this book! I love her other books about a praying wife and mom.

I've read the Bible as well, as I finish out my chronological Bible reading plan and do Scripture writing. Out of all the books, the Word of God is my favorite. I am renewed in my mind and transformed in my thinking every time I read it, according to Romans 12:1-2.

Something treasured:

The gift of TIME is what I most treasure. Every week I spend a day with Mom and a day with Dad and about every other week I get to see my mom and dad-in-love. We are so fortunate to have family nearby and my love language is quality time. 

Just this week I will be seeing all of them! Mom and I are going to run errands today, my in-love's come over tonight for my husband's birthday dinner and Dad comes over tomorrow. 

Something ahead:

On the blog this week, I plan on sharing all the things I want to remember about 2020. It's a year that taught me a lot and the Lord opened my eyes regarding a couple of areas in my life and in my heart. Stay tuned! (I blogged about all the things I never want to forget about Christmas this year on Monday, so if you're interested in that, keep scrolling or click on this link.)

(Above is Mom's side porch entrance. Isn't it beautiful?)

(Above is our German shepherd Callie, keeping watch over Dad. She loves him!)

(I love our little town square, it's like my own personal Hallmark Christmas movie.) 

Thank you for reading my blog! Love to all. 


1 comment:

  1. The picture with your boys from your birthday is priceless! What a great picture! Also, driving around looking at Christmas lights while drinking Peppermint Shakes = winning!


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