Monday, November 2, 2020



Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Tanya from The Other Side of the Road for this blog post. 

Our weekend was really good, a mix of alone time and fun times with my husband and family. I feel like our home has a revolving door in it and most of the time I would not trade that for all the money in the world. Unless it's midnight and I'm trying to sleep and my dang phone keeps waking me up because of people coming and going and the garage going up and down.

I'll miss it someday. I keep telling myself this. 

My dad came over on Friday to get the weekend kicked off and after I took him home, Todd and I found out we were home mostly alone. Drew really didn't have plans until later, so we went and got sushi for the three of us. For Todd and me, it was the second time this week. We have a local place that we LOVE for sushi and we order takeout at least once a week from there. If you live near me, it's Tao that is in the shopping center near Academy Sports. My favorites are spicy shrimp and spicy crawfish. Todd likes those as well, along with spicy tuna and the snowcrab roll. Drew got a dynamite roll.

On Saturday, my mom, sister and I went out for part of the day. We went to Hobby Lobby, then to Huey's for lunch, then Marshall's and I made a quick run through Kroger before coming back home. Todd ended up riding a shift with the sheriff's department and the boys were all in and out, so I didn't hand out candy. It's not as as fun if you're alone, but if you know me, you know it's never a hardship for me to be at home alone.

I watched two Hallmark Christmas movies (Jingle Bell Bride and Christmas in Homestead) and was in bed by eleven. (Later than normal!) My husband didn't get home until four in the morning, so he was BEAT all of the next day. We were up early for church and there by eight fifteen, then we came home and relaxed the rest of the day. 

This was the coffee cup I used Sunday morning. (Christmas will be put up soon!) We had leftovers for dinner Sunday night and again, the boys were all in and out. 

I picked this up that afternoon to start reading and quickly made it to the halfway point. Karen Kingsbury's books NEVER disappoint. This one is incredible!

I'm sharing my car right now because Jonah's and Noah's truck is in need of some repair. Todd reached out to the mechanic we use, but hasn't heard back from him yet. This is usually never a big deal, we just have to think about timing and when we have to have transportation. When Todd is home, they just use his truck, but when we're both gone it gets a little tricky. Hopefully the truck will be worked on very soon. 

(Another Saturday, another Christmas store. I met and fell in love with this handsome fella.)

I'm posting this once again, because we're only two days in to November and it's never too late to join in this month's Scripture writing plan. The topic is so good! 

How was your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, see you back here tomorrow. Love to all! 

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