Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Tuesday Things


Happy Tuesday, friends!

Three years ago yesterday was a really fun night I spent at a nearby church with my best friend. One of my favorite bloggers and authors, Sophie Hudson, was there speaking for their women's event and we got to meet her. 

It is hands down one of my favorite memories with Missy. Apparently, we stalk people like Sophie. (I'm laughing.) When we got to the church, we found a table full of our friends! Two we knew and one I knew via Instagram, so we sat with them and laughed ourselves silly.

I miss nights like that—nights when I could hug people and not feel weird about a large amount of people in one room. It makes me sad for our future, but also thankful for the memory. I am very hopeful things will return to normal again someday soon. 

Speaking of that, I sat down to watch a show that I like on Sunday night and found out it was all about the corona virus. I mean, I get why they have to make it like this, because they were social distancing while they filmed it, but I don't know that I'll watch my old shows I loved when they ended in the spring. I watch television to escape reality, so I definitely don't want to watch it and see more of what we're going through! I will be sticking with the Hallmark Christmas movies, please and thank you.

I love this tree lined street we live off of. I need to remember to take a picture when the sun is out, because it was overcast on this day. I love driving down the streets and seeing leaves all over the ground. I think they're so beautiful! 

While grocery shopping yesterday morning, I found a new treat!

Have you had this? I found it at my Kroger yesterday and enjoyed some for an afternoon treat. It is so good!

These memories are killing me of Crash and Andy lately! Crash was so cute when he was so little and as far as I'm concerned, there will never be another dog like Andy the Wonder Dog. 

Well, I need to hop back off of here because I have to run in just a few minutes. Thanks for reading! Love to all. 


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