Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Prime Purchases for October


Happy Tuesday, friends! It's the day I've been dreading for months—election day. So many of my friends and all the voting members in our home have voted already, but I'm the weird one who likes to go on election day. I'll be slightly busy today with things to do during the day—voting, nail appointment, Bible study homework, reading, a Hallmark Christmas movie, cooking dinner for my family, dinner out with two young ladies tonight—so I am grateful for the distraction. I already know I won't get much sleep tonight, I never do on election nights, so I spend that time when I'm awake praying. 

In the meantime, I thought it'd be fun to share some Amazon purchases from this month. Who doesn't love a good Prime Purchases post?! I'm linking up with Tanya from The Other Side of the Road once again.

I'll start with my most recent post that I got off the porch just last night. It's this Ilumminating Face Primer by Elf Cosmetics. Here is the link for it on Amazon. I love this stuff and have used it for over six months now, with no plans to quit anytime soon. There is an expensive version of this from other high dollar makeup brands, but I'm convinced that for every expensive product, there is an inexpensive version. I pump two drops of this into my foundation, of which I use an amount less than the size of a pea, rub my palms together and apply it to my face. It gives me a slight shimmer and I love it.

Last week I bought us new Christmas stockings for the fireplace. I told you, Christmas is going up in the next seven days. Ours were cute, but now that the boys are all grown up, I went with some that are newer and more trendy. They look exactly like these. Here's the link for the actual ones I bought—a three pack for $10! 

I can't wait to get them and put them up. They're arriving today sometime.

I bought some precious gifts for a baby boy that will be born in December for my friend at church who's expecting. I love shopping for babies! Because he's a December baby, I had to go with Christmas themed everything, so I purchased two fleece zipper onesies, a reindeer wub-a-nub thing for his pacifier and a soft and fuzzy white blanket to bundle him up in. 

I ordered my second set of Amazon Basics colored pens. I underline in my Bible with these and I've been super impressed with the quality and how long they last. They're way less expensive than the Papermate Flair felt tip pens I replaced them with. 

I also ordered some black Papermate Flair felt tip pens with these, which are much more reasonably priced. Don't ask why.

I got a new phone in October and my husband ordered me this phone cover that is the same color of this picture below. 

It's a really dark forrest green. I love it, but my only complaint is that it won't hold a pop socket.

I ordered this cute garden flag and already have one for when I put up Christmas decorations that I bought Saturday at Hobby Lobby. 

And lastly, I purchased some shaving cream to replace what's been used by all the guys in the house and some gifts that I took to my sisters in Colorado when I went there. The more the days go on, the more I'm using Amazon Prime! I never see this changing. What are some things you bought? I'd love to hear about them! Thanks for reading! Love to all. 


  1. You had me with the little picture of the pens that showed up over on Tanya's link-up, LOL! I LOVE pens!! Yay for Christmas decorating starting!!!

    1. Yes ma'am! I am a school supply junkie...sounds like you can relate?! Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day!

  2. Those Christmas stockings are darling! Have a great week.

    1. Thanks, I cannot wait to get them in and see how I like them...it all started with a pin I saw on Pinterest. 😂 Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week!

  3. I really want to try that primer. And the Amazon pens are such a great find. Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. You should try it, for $6 you won't regret it! And try the pens...so good! Thanks for hosting!

  4. What a great deal on the stockings and I am going to add those pens to my cart!

  5. You will love the pens~ the stockings came in yesterday after I wrote this and are great quality! I was super impressed. Have a great day!


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