Friday, November 13, 2020

Friday Favorites


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for this blog post. 

I thought I'd share some favorites from my busy week that went by lightning fast.

I spent some time here this week, at my favorite place from my childhood: home. My dad still lives here and his pine tree lined driveway is my favovite.

This is one of the best things, and my favorite thing that made me laugh, on the internet all week. My husband has a cousin who posts the best memes I have ever seen, and this was one she shared. I laughed for a very long time over this! Santa=Satan. 😂

I love reliving some of my favorite memories, like these pictures above. My dad, boys and I all used to attend the annual Veteran's day parade in downtown Memphis. One year the boys made these posters and ended up making the evening news. 

I am officially in the Christmas spirit and putting Dad's Christmas lights out on Saturday is one of my favorite ways to get in the mood! It was hard work this time around and it kicked my tail, but I know the result will be well worth the work it took.

One of my favorite cuties ever turned seventeen on Wednesday! He's the one on the right, my bonus son Alex. I love this kid so much.

This was me Wednesday night, waiting on my favorite ride to church to come and pick me up. Missy has been coming to get me each week for church because of car troubles for my twins. 

I found my favorite ice cream in the grocery store this week and bought two of these. I may be the only one who eats it, but it is so good! 

The fall foliage around town is my favorite. I may have mentioned a time or a hundred that fall is my favorite season. 

Other moments from the week that make the favorite list: 

Bible study is almost over! I cannot believe we're in the process of the second Bible study we've written as a team. Hosea was our first study and our next will start at the end of January, and it is on the book of Philippians. I can finally tell people what book it is and we're in the process of praying and deciding on what will come after Philippians in the fall of next year.

I spent a fun day with my mom and sisters on Thursday. Then I came home and started decorating for Christmas! I'll share some pictures after Thanksgiving. It all went up quickly, so I'm not sure how much will stay like it is and how much I'll change tomorrow and the days to come.

Hallmark Christmas movies are still my favorite and I'm still watching one a day. My favorite one from this week was Christmas with the Darlings. It was—well, darling.

I made the best dinner last night, a favorite from years past that I'd forgotten about: creamy chicken over rice with green beans. The chicken was covered in cream of chicken soup and a bottle of Olive Garden Italian dressing. It was so good! I am planning on eating leftovers of it for lunch today and for dinner tonight, I'll eat leftover taco soup. 

Well, I am going to hop off of here. Thanks for reading my blog and thanks for the comment love lately! I love seeing that comment button with numbers behind it. Love to all! 


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

March Moments

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about some favorite moments from this month. Can you believe we're at the end of March ...