Friday, November 6, 2020

Friday Favorites


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals and her friend for this blog post.

Considering the craziness that this election has brought, the week has been pretty good! I thought I'd share a little about some of the highlights. 

First up are these new favorite stockings! I ordered them last week off of Amazon. I saw one picture on Pinterest that got me to thinking how old our stockings were and so I decided to replace them with something more modern and new. I love these! The shape looks weird here because I'd just pulled them out of the box, but they're normal shaped and 18 and 1/2 inches long, which is normal stocking length. I found a three pack of them for $10, so I ordered two of them. 

Although this older movie wasn't my favorite, what IS my favorite still is watching a Hallmark Christmas movie everyday while I eat lunch. I am telling you that Jesus and doing this has completely saved my sanity. This is the movie Northern Lights of Christmas and I texted this picture to Todd to tell him that the couple did in fact fall in love and live happily ever after.

I went to my happy place again this week! I haven't been since February! Can you even believe that? I sure did get a stack of Christmas fiction books to read. I am about four chapters in that top book called Marry Me at Christmas. Christmas is my FAVORITE and so is reading.

Speaking of Hallmark Christmas movies and favorites, I have this thing I do that is kinda snobby. If I don't like the people that play the characters, I won't watch the movie. Or if they're too cheesy, it grates on my nerves and I'll move on to a different one. I like this guy, I don't know his name, but he's always a favorite male lead. My female favorites are Jill Wagner or Ashley Williams.

My favorite author released this book a couple of weeks ago and I started it Sunday night and finished it Wednesday afternoon. My name is in the back of her book as one of her top fans! A while back she asked readers to submit stories about how her books have impacted their lives and my name was one (of tens of thousands) that was picked and there are about a thousand of us listed in the last pages of this book. Isn't that cool?!

This book was outstanding, by the way, so I encourage you to read it for yourself. It's very relevant to today and is about law enforcement officers.

Favorite Christmas coffee mug: check.

Look at how little and precious Crash was as a three month old puppy! But man, was he a hellion. This dog drove me absolutely batty and I tried unsuccessfully to get rid of him. He has turned into the best dog ever and I have actually written some children's stories about him. I didn't do anything with them, but I did submit them to some publishers and they all wanted to publish them. (The books would be a series of books for younger elementary aged kiddos called A Day in the Life of Crash and then each book would get it's own second title like, Crash Comes Home!, Crash Goes Camping!, Crash Goes to the Doctor!, or Crash Gets a Sister!. Publishing a book, particularly an illustrated one is STUPID EXPENSIVE. Maybe someday.)

I sent this picture to my friend who shares my love of nailpolish to show her my latest color, my old favorite, Lincoln Park After Dark by OPI. 

Later on Tuesday, I went to dinner with a couple of young ladies, so that night was one of my favorites.

Saturday made my favorites list, because I went out with my Mom and Trish. Trish and I loved this snowman! This weekend she and I will be putting up Christmas lights for Daddy. He won't turn them on until Thanksgiving night.

Well, that is about all I have for this week—like I said, despite the trainwreck we're all watching play out in the news, it was a pretty decent week. 

It bears repeating: no matter who sits in the oval office as our next President of the United States, Jesus is King. He is faithful and He will help us through, no matter what may come. 

Thanks for reading, friends. Love to all. 


  1. That is so awesome about your name in the KK book! You will LOVE the Winter Street books from Elin Hildebrand. They are probably my all time favorite Christmas books. Our library just opened back up, and I can't wait to go. I have mainly been "reading" audio books since March! Have a great weekend.

  2. I am so glad to hear that about the Hilderbrand books...I'd forgotten about them! I hope your weekend was great!


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