Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Tuesday Things

 Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd share some random things and pictures I've collected over the last few days and weeks. This is one of those "random" posts I always used to make. There is no rhyme or reason for any of this, it's all just stuff on my heart or on my phone, some is serious and some things are funny. 

Every year I see this post and it makes me laugh and agree. I am so over all the political posts on social media and am ready for it to be over soon. I don't know if that's how it'll happen, but I am praying and hoping that my social media will be fun and lighthearted someday soon.

Some nights after dinner, Drew will come in and just hang out with us at the kitchen counter after dinner and almost every time he does this, he will disappear—to do this. Some days are long and I supposed he's tired at the end of his days. This always makes me laugh.

Debi wanted to take this picture of me while I was at her house. I love that she wanted to take a picture of me and I love that she makes that smile you see here come to my face. I enjoyed myself immensely while I stayed with her and my sister Lisa. I always feel completely at home when I'm with them both.

I came across this picture a few weeks ago. My dad has the greatest smile and when we are together we laugh very often. We both love reliving funny things that have happened in our lives and we love to talk about all of our memories together.

I sent this to Graham a couple of weeks ago. It made me laugh really, really hard. It's very true.

I came across this verse when I was reading in the Chronological Bible yesterday. It's one of my favorite Bible verses and my my most often uttered prayer to the Lord over my family.

Speaking of my family, don't you love nights when you already know what's for dinner? We're having one of my favorite things tonight, which happens to also be something everyone else loves. It's just chicken in the crock-pot, but I serve it with rice, shredded cheese and warmed tortillas. I eat mine like soup and add in beans and Rotel tomatoes. It's so good and so easy. All I do is cover the chicken with water and add in fajita and taco seasonings.

That's about all I have for this Tuesday morning. Thanks for reading! Love to all. 


  1. Love your blogs! They make me laugh, smile, tear up and think! Thats a lot of emotional exercise this early in the morning. ;-)

  2. Delores~

    Thank you! And I feel like I should apologize for all the emotional turmoil I've caused you. Ha!

  3. What a great, cozy chair that is and the slow cooker meal is making me hungry :). Sounds like a great combination.

  4. Such a great photo of your dad!! (oh how I miss my own dad!!)

  5. Marilyn~I do love a meal in a slow cooker, but when I use it, I am starving all day long! That makes me laugh. I love any and all Mexican food, it is definitely my favorite.

  6. Thank you, Jennifer! I know you must. I am so blessed, I know, to still have my dad around. We've always been so close, as far back as I can remember he has always been one of my very best friends. I tell him everything!


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