Thursday, October 29, 2020

Life Lately

Happy Thursday, friends. 

I saw this on Tuesday and it made me laugh out loud. In all seriousness, I am praying for our country. My church gave out a list of things to pray over our nation and I have been using it everyday to pray the Scriptures over our country. I started out by making each verse that we prayed with the corresponding day into an image to share, but then I went out of town and fell behind and never started again. 

I've been dreading this coming week for quite some time, not because of the actual election, but because of how I'm afraid it might drag out. I am praying for that, as well, that the Lord would give us a miracle and that we would know quickly who won. If you are local to me, my church is hosting a night of prayer on Sunday night this weekend. I'd love for you to join us! It'll be in our fellowship hall and we will spend the evening in prayer for our nation, its leaders and this election. 

On a lighter note—

If I didn't have the peace that only Jesus brings, I don't know if I could on in life. And funny memes help too, like this one above. I laughed out loud when I saw this. It's a dream of mine to be a flower grandmother someday. Have you seen the picture of two grandmothers as the flower girls that went viral a few years ago? I think it's a brilliant idea and they're equally as cute as young children.

I shared this picture on social media and said that I was feeling the Christmas spirit with all the Hallmark movies and Christmas music and that I was ready to decorate. I never thought it'd get so many comments, but most of them are from my husband and his friends! They're all losing the battle of the decorations going up early this year because of the train wreck that 2020 has been. It makes me laugh that they all feel so strongly about this, but a happy wife equals a happy life and that is all I'm saying.

(I'll wait until after Halloween, but I'm thinking next week is the time to get it all out of the attic.)

Do you ever doodle like this? I was at a Bible study Monday night and doodled on this page of notes I'd taken from a passage we read that night in Acts. I then went and did something similar on almost every page of the notebook I'm using as a journal right now. Writing and doodling actually helps me play closer attention to something being taught. It's like background noise to me—when I was a young girl, Mom always let me keep the tv on in my room when I did my homework because she knew I needed the backgroud noise to help me focus. Call it crazy or whatever, but it worked. I'm glad she realized my need for that. You were and still are a good mom, Mommy. 💗

This was also me on that same night. I found a stash of M&M's and partook of their goodness.

Wednesday was Bible study at my church, which is a day I love so much. I have gotten to know the sweetest of ladies this semester in our study and I am always so grateful for the contribution they all bring to our discussion each week. I love it when women open up and share their lives—it's such a rare thing for someone to feel comfortable enough to do that, so I love when moments like that happen and we get a glimpse into their hearts to see what it is that makes them who they are right now. It's an honor to be able to lead women in discussion each week and an opportunity I don't take lightly. I genuinely pray for them and love them, and who doesn't love meeting new friends? We were a very small group in the morning small group, but those smaller groups are usually when the good stuff happens. Most people are more comfortable in a very small setting.

I am not ashamed to admit that I have sat and done this exact thing every day this week: when I eat lunch, I come and sit in my chair and watch a Hallmark Christmas movie. It's so relaxing to me! I am so glad I finally decided to subscribe to the Frndly app so that I can watch these movies.

My shameless plug for relieving stress is to find something like this that relaxes you and own it. I'm not one for "treating myself" or anything like that because I'm a fairly frugal person, but relaxing is something we all need from time to time. I have issues with anxiety and every once in a while it rears its ugly head in my life, so I do things like this to help me unwind. I will also say I only do this AFTER I've had my quiet time each day—I encourage you never to neglect time with Jesus everyday, but a little midday break like this is good for us all sometimes. I also may read, write in my journal or memorize Scripture to help my anxious self.

Well. I suppose I will jump off of here and go get dressed. Jonah, Noah and I all have dental appointments this morning to get our teeth cleaned and after that I have a baby shower to go to. I hope you have a great day! Thanks for reading; love to all! 


  1. Such a calming post just to read about relaxing and loved the doodling idea for your journal. Hope today goes well!

    1. If ever there were a need for some relaxation, this would be the year! It helps me so much, along with prayer and the Word of God! Today was great, it seemed to fly by while she cleaned my teeth. I love where we go! They're all the greatest people.


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