Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Life Lately


After today's blog post, I'll be taking a blogging break until next Thursday, most likely. I leave town tomorrow until Tuesday, then I'll have Bible study on Wednesday morning, so I'm not counting on blogging that day since I'll be in recovery mode. I'm writing this on Monday night—if it weren't for that, I probably wouldn't have a blog post for this day. 

I've had lots to keep me busy this week! Here's a little of what I've been up to.

I've been walking on our new treadmill! Hopefully I'll have done this every day this week so far, but as of Monday night, I've already walked twice in three days. The first day I walked 1.1 miles and on my second day, I walked 1.5! I'm walking at about 2.5 mph, but for the last ten minutes, I slow it down to 2.2 mph 

My shoes may not look like much, but they're really good for walking. A few months ago an Instagrammer I follow posted about these and I ordered these in February or March. I wouldn't run in them, but like I said—to walk on a treadmill, they're great. I can't wear anything with a lace anymore, because I've fractured the same bone in my left foot twice in four years. I'm rolling my eyes at my eighty year old self. These are pull on and the fabric on top is very giving. They're a great price and if you're in need of a walking shoe that is cute and supportive, here is one for you. I would say they are VERY true to size. Most shoes aren't so I sized up one half, but I shouldn't have.

My church shared a prayer resource with us on Sunday that has Scripture that we can pray over our nation in the days leading up to the election. These two images were Sunday's and Monday's. 

I had a lot to do on Monday, so I ordered my groceries for pickup between nine and ten. I met Jonah at Firestone to get his truck aligned, but when he went in to hand them the keys, the man told him that none of his technicians showed up to work that day and he didn't want to keep the truck if he couldn't promise the work would be done. Isn't that crazy?? Anyway, I sent Todd this picture, because I only paid for two loaves of bread from Kroger and this is how many they gave me. Anyone close by need some bread? We have a fifth being used in our pantry, these are all additional! 

This was me, trying to be fluent in Greek. Not really—I'll never be fluent in Greek, but I got my portion of the writing done for our next women's Bible study that we'll start in January! Never have I been so excited to finish a project and though I thought this one would be easier than our last study on Hosea, I was WRONG. I struggled more with than I did on Hosea even though I thought so differently. 

I finished my portion, then made time to read this book I started on Sunday night. I finished the first Harry Potter book and it was good, but this book is more my style. I'll continue on with the Harry Potter books, but I wanted to read this one. This is one in a series and I've got the whole series. 

On Tuesday I decided to get out and run errands. I had to go to Target and I went to get my nails done again. Mom went with me and we had lunch out; I'm glad I got to see her before I leave town Thursday. 

While at Target, I picked up myself a little snack. I've had it before, I've just never broken down and bought the makings of it before. I ate this while Todd ran on the treadmill Tuesday night. That makes me laugh at the irony. 

All I have plans for today is staying at home and making a yummy dinner tonight. I am doing all the laundry and starting the packing process for tomorrow. I have my list on my phone and it should be pretty easy to put it all together. My plan is to pack as minimally as possible and do mix and match type pieces of clothing and shoes. 

Thanks for reading my blog! I'll see you back here next week. Love to all! 


  1. Yay for a new treadmill and hope you have a fabulous trip!

  2. Way to go on the treadmill! I have those shoes and love them. So comfortable! I'm tempted to get a second pair!

  3. Love the irony!! Have a wonderful time away...will look forward to hearing (um, reading) about it when you return!:)

  4. Thank you, Marilyn! I'm all packed and ready to go!

  5. Tanya, I'm tempted to get another pair too...I love the ones that are mauve with the white trim on the bottom. I told my husband last night I wish there was an option for men, because he needs some walking shoes. I could walk all day long with these on! I have problems with my feet, so this is huge for me, becuase they always hurt.

  6. Jennifer~I made myself laugh with the irony! It doesn't take much, though...thank you!


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