Monday, September 21, 2020

weekending/Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends. I'm linking up with Tanya from The Other Side of the Road for today's blog post.

This weekend was wonderful! Cooler temperatures have arrived in Memphis and I couldn't be happier. But also, does anyone else feel this with me??

Without the fur and boots, though. Truth be told, I start to feel this every year in September. I feel like the month should be celebrated because it ushers in fall. That's why I put out all my fall decor that month—pumpkin, fall candles, Halloween and all. 

Anyway, back to the weekend. Todd worked Friday night and the boys were gone most of the night, so it was just me at home all alone. (Shucks.;)) I watched Sabrina, a movie from 1995, the year I graduated from high school. We ordered pizza for dinner and the boys all went to a park to play some flag football with a bunch of guys. The mornings nad evenings have been cool all weekend, so when that happens they are outside somewhere all day on the weekends and until late on weeknights.

Some things never change.

My poor hubby had a very busy and eventful night at work Friday night (thanks, Mem) and didn't get home until about five thirty Saturday morning. I was kinda worried about him all night and slept on and off most of the night hoping he'd be home soon. I know he loves being busy like that on a shift, but I know it's also hard on him the next day. He was able to sleep in Saturday morning, though. I went shopping with Trish and Mom. The high was only 79, so I took full advantage of that cool weather and breeze! We hit up our favorite spots and had lunch and just had a good time together, as usual. 

Todd and Graham worked on Saturday night and the boys had plans with friends, so I went to Mom's and Bill's. While we were there, Trish, Mom and I started talking about fall scented candles and before we knew it someone mentioned pumpkin pecan waffles and Mom and I were driving to get all-purpose flour and making a pecan pie.

Mom made the pie filling and I made the crust. It was really good! It was worth the last minute trip to Dollar General (in pajamas and slippers!) and making a mess in the kitchen while Bill was finishing up dinner. 

Todd had a repeat Saturday night and their shift ended at three something Sunday morning as they searched for a missing person. They slept in a bit and went back out while we were at church to resume the search and when they got home around seven thirty, they had still not found the person.

Sunday was for church and I was there bright and early. I take my own coffee up and k-cup and a book on these days so that I can read and have another cup of coffee after praise team rehearsal since I don't attend a Bible fellowship class. I had choir that afternoon and I ended the weekend with a Kroger trip and making dinner for my people. It was glorious. Like I said—I love this cooler weather. I look forward to sitting outside on the deck Tuesday night when we're all home at the same time. 

What'd you do all weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, love to all.


  1. Yes, the weather was so nice this weekend! The pie is so pretty and I'm always impressed with a homemade pie crust. Sounds like a weekend with fun and some relaxation!

  2. It was a great weekend, I just ended up being alone the majority of it! I'm semi-okay with this, but I miss my hubby after a night or two of him working in a row. Have a great day!

  3. Oh yummy I just love pecan pie (I usually add a few chocolate chips into the mix too). I LOVED that movie Sabrina and watched it so much I memorized parts of it.

  4. I have never had that pie with chocolate chips! It sounds yummy. That's so funny, I had watched it, but I forgot about it until I saw it on Prime tv. It was really good! Harrison Ford was a young whippersnapper. 😂

  5. That pie looks so good! I think impromptu baking is the most fun! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. It was so, so good! It makes me ready for all the Thanksgiving food. Thanks for hosting us! I hope you had a good day


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