Thursday, September 24, 2020

Life Lately


Happy Thursday! I get to stay home ALL DAY LONG today, so that makes this day glorious, rain and all. I love to have at least one day at home all day every week, but it hasn't been like that lately. I am so happy that it's turning out this way today! I will not take it for granted and have LOTS to do to keep me busy.

I had to get out on Monday this week, to run a couple of errands and to do a little bit of grocery shopping. I usually try to avoid getting out on that day, but it's been this way for a few weeks. That night I went to Bible study to help get dinner ready and set up, then I cut out early so that I could come back home and spend time with my husband. He worked all weekend and for two nights in a row, he didn't get home until after five a.m. the next morning. He was gone all day Sunday and Monday as well, so because the weather was nice, we enjoyed the rest of the evening doing this.

It was so nice. He was so tired and just glad to be home for a night. We were going to do a repeat of this on Tuesday, but it rained. On Tuesday, I spent the first part of the day with my mom. We got our nails done, ate lunch and she needed to make a couple of stops in Germantown. I was back home by two and making dinner by five. My sister Trish called me and asked if I wanted to go eat with her, but because we still hadn't really been home as a family to eat dinner together, I turned her down. Forty five minutes later she showed up at my front door with my nephew and my sister Lisa, who came in from Denver on a whim!

So, thankfully my husband was grilling the meat for us that night and Trish helped me finish peeling potatoes for mashed potatoes, then Graham took over with those and I left with them to go eat dinner out. I'm so glad my husband is so go-with-the-flow! He always encourages me to do these kinds of things. 

Wednesday found me at our church for Bible study, which I love. Our Bible study always starts with small group time when we discuss our homework from the week prior. I'm always so thankful for ladies who talk during this time, because I am not a teacher. I can lead a discussion and fascilitate a group of ladies, but teaching is not my thing. I really count on them for this time each week and they always add such wonderful thoughts and things they got from the week. After this time, we have a short time of worship in which my friend Meagan and I lead the ladies, then we have the teaching portion. None of this is in within my comfort zone, but I can honestly say that the Lord has helped me tremendously during all of this, so much so that I rarely get nervous anymore. I am so thankful to Him for this.

I was back there again Wednesday night for the condensed version of Bible study (we only have one hour, so we have a devo, then spend the rest of the 45 minutes in small groups). 

Other goings-on and ramblings: 

I cannot seem to catch up on laundry. It's a big problem this week.

I cannot seem to get it together for a proper grocery trip and list. I'm rolling my eyes at myself.

Things are fairly clean and picked up in my house, which is nice, so at least there is that. My time-management skills need to be improved upon here lately. 

Graham started a part time job for the next several weeks, working tech for a nearby performing arts center three nights every week. He's a busy young man.

It's 2020 still, so yesterday I signed up for a free seven day trial of Frndly tv. This is a streaming channel where I can consistently watch Hallmark movies and this is Autumn Harvest time, so think Christmas movies, but instead of Christmas tree farms, it's pumpkin patches, apple cider and beautiful towns with brightly colored foliage. (I do plan on us keeping this channel, at only $8 a month, we can afford it.)

(I'm watching one such movie now as I write this on Wednesday afternoon.)

On my full day at home, I plan on doing all the laundry, housework, organizing and straightening that I can in just that one day. I also plan on doing all of next week's Bible study homework and hopefully come up with a song for us to sing for worship next week and I hope to work some on the writing project I'm working on with the ladies from the writing team at church. I realize these are grand plans and I make chuck them all and sit down and watch Hallmark all day long, who knows? I am really going to try and get some things crossed off that list, though.

Either tonight or tomorrow night, my friend and I are going shopping for a food drive my church is having. 

I was trying to think of something to share about my sons. I shared about Graham, my oldest son who works full time and will be working another part time job for the next few weeks. Drew, my middle son also works (almost) full time at a daycare in our commmunity. His school is on hold right now—he will transferring schools to continue on with nursing school. He's in the process of figuring it all out right now. Jonah and Noah, my twins that are seventeen, are doing school as usual in the daytime and also working part time in the middle of the school work. Jonah details cars and is looking for some more to do right now and he cuts grass for several people. Noah also cuts grass and sometimes makes deliveries for a local bakery. Jonah and Noah are going to the beach again in a couple of weeks for fall break—their friend invited them to go with his family, so I know they'll have fun. 

I'm looking forward to going to Denver also around that same time to see my sisters who live there. I get to meet and see my newest little twin great nieces and their big sisters (also twins) and do some fun things while we're there. 

I think that's all I've got since last week, friends. I'll see you back here tomorrow for Friday Favorites. Thanks for reading! Love to all. 

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