Friday, September 18, 2020

Friday Favorites


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for this blog post.

Monday was a day that has come to be one of my favorite week days. I go to a high school Bible study each week at my friend Shawn's house from about 5:30-9:30. I was hoping Jonah and Noah would join me for this, but they haven't yet. Maybe someday. I help with dinner each week. Shawn opens her home, feeds them and then they sit and have Bible study. It's a really sweet time, but this week has been my favorite to date. She taught on Acts 4 this week, and during the worship, the Lord gave them a demonstration of what that chapter talks about—His Holy Spirit came in and took over. I know that may sound weird to some of you, and that's okay, but I could feel Him near. It's hard to explain other than that, so I won't try, but if you ever want to talk about what this is like, reach out and I'll share more. I love the students that go each week, they're all so sweet and hungry for the Word of God. I've never quite seen anything like it.

Tuesday was a favorite day because I got to stay home. I love any and every day that I get to be at home all day. I cleaned, I did laundry, I watched tv and enjoyed my fall scented candles. It was lovely. I also ended up alone at home that night and had a good dinner.

I love roasted sweet potatoes. They're possibly my new favorite thing to eat.

This night was a favorite because I got to spend it with my best friend and her sweet aunt. 

These friends below have become some of my favorite ladies on the planet.

We met for lunch on Thursday and had so much fun together. We make up 5/6 of the ladies who are on the writing team at our church. Our friend Amy Barron couldn't be with us either day. We laughed and laughed at lunch on Thursday. Left to right are Lynn, Barbee, Amy, DeDee and me. I love these friends so much and feel like I always learn so much from them after I've been with them.

Speaking of lunch on Thursday—

I went to the wrong restaurant! I do this all the time, unfortunately, think I hear one thing and it's another different thing. I was late, needless to say, so imagine my delight when this train showed up as my escort almost the whole way there. I took this as a little kiss from the King. Looking for those moments in time is one of my favorite things. I do believe God is in every little detail, so I made sure and thanked Him for this as I was driving. 

My dad is coming over today, so that's always a favorite, as are my Saturdays out with Mom and Trish. Hopefully. Hint, hint. Quality time is my love language, in case you were unable to tell. I hope you have a great weekend! Thanks for reading. Love to all! 


  1. We saw a train this week too; which is pretty rare around here. Our train was holding us up though as we needed to be on the other side of the tracks. Luckily we had no time limit going on and could just enjoy the sounds of the clicking tracks.

  2. I have always loved the sound of a train! It can be mesmerizing. I know someone who always lived right next to train tracks and when I asked her if the train woke her up at night or bothered them in the day, she said it bothered her when there was no train by them! She'd grown very accustomed to the sound.

    Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend.


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Friday Favorites, 3.28.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! It's my favorite day of the week, and I am excited for my weekend. How's your week been? I had what felt li...