Monday, August 3, 2020

weekending and Hello Monday linkup

Happy Monday, Friends! I'm linking up with Tanya over at The Other Side of the Road for this blog post. 

It was a really good weekend! 

It was the perfect amount of fun, busy and relaxed. I got it kicked off on Friday with my dad—he came over for a visit and we ate lunch here at home, then we sat and solved all the world's problems for the next few hours. Maybe someday we'll get back out again, but we've just been staying here since he's been coming around again. Trish came by and said hello, then shortly after that, I left with him to take him home. I stayed and visited with Sandy once I got him home, so it was good catching up with her as well. Friday was her birthday, so I got to see all her cards and we talked about how much she'd been blessed on her special day. 

Once I left Dad's, I called my mom and after finding out that Todd and Jonah were working on vehicle stuff here outside, I asked if they minded if I went to Mom's that night for dinner and to hang out. Of course nobody cared what I did, so I headed out to the country again and enjoyed myself thoroughly. 

Bill made a yummy dinner and then we just enjoyed laughing and catching up. Eventually, Trish and I went outside and we ended up going to pick some veggies from the neighbor's garden. They're out of town and asked them to do this, but LOOK!

How beautiful are all these tomatoes? We love tomatoes around here and eat them as snacks. I was picking the little ones off the vines and eating them, they were so good. I also came home with cucumbers and okra, but the okra is gone. (If you've never sliced and roasted your okra, you are missing out! Season with olive oil and salt and/or cajun seasoning and roast at 400 for 30-45 minutes—it tastes JUST LIKE fried okra.) 

It was so nice out that night. The air was cooler and God gave us a beautiful sunset to enjoy. When I came home, they had just finished working on the truck, so I was glad that I went to Mom's and Bill's. 

On Saturday, I read all day long. I brushed my teeth and made my bed, put on moisturizer and stayed in leggings and a tee shirt all day. I read books (finished two and started a third), did laundry, vacuumed, straightened up messes and stayed put while everyone else left and came back. It was glorious. 

Here are all the books I read. This series is so good! I'm on book four right now, and I only started them last Tuesday. I love to read and I need to make the time to do it even more, instead of reaching for my phone. 

We had church on Sunday, but I cheated and watched from home. That afternoon we went back to having choir practice! It wasn't at all a choir and more like an ensemble, but you've gotta start somewhere. I am looking forward to beginning again at the end of August. All of us on the praise team  have continued to meet and rehearse each week, but this is the first time we've had choir since the beginning of March. 

Last night my hubby worked with the sherrif's department, so I was at home mostly alone after choir. I had oatmeal and wheat toast for dinner and I watched three episodes of The Crown. (I started over at season 1, because I had forgotten so much—I'd watched all the way through the first season.) 

How was your weekend? I highlighted more of mine on my Instagram stories, so if you're interested, follow me on there! You can find me as JenLloydGoodwin. I love making new friends on Instagram...anyone else? I promise that I only post things that are encouraging and uplifting. Thanks for reading along about my weekend! Love to all. 


  1. I absolutely loved the Crown. I might need to rewatch. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. That okra sounds so good and healthy too. I am inspired to try it. Yum!

  3. I love it too~ I had forgotten so much that I just started it all over again. Thanks, Tanya!

  4. Marilyn~ it is so good! You should definitely try it. After the 30 minute mark, keep an eye on it, it'll start to burn pretty quickly. I like it crunchy so I let mine go a little too long, but if I'd had foil, I would have covered it and continued cooking it until it was crispy. Let me know how you like it!


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weekending...the one about my friends taking me out to celebrate my divorce

  Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a great weekend; I know I did and I wanted to share the highlights with you today, focusing mainly o...