Monday, August 31, 2020

Hello Monday linkup

Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Tanya from The Other Side of the Road for this blog post. 

This seems to be my newest catch phrase, I realize that, but I can't seem to get into the routine of regular blog posts again. I start off good, then it just dwindles down again. Here's to hoping this week is different.

I celebrated my mom's birthday with a dinner for her on Thursday night. 


Isn't she pretty? This is her with my nephew Tyler back at Christmas. We were talking about him Saturday night, and how photogenic he is. Also, he gives the best hugs of anyone I know.

For the life of me, I cannot remember what we did Friday night. I know we were home, though. I had leftovers for dinner and Todd had Taco Bell. 

He bought a new radio for my car, and while I was gone on Saturday, that's what he did. We both had to be at the church early that morning, he for a meeting and me for a special choir rehearsal, then I stayed until noon and he came on home. I love the new radio! It's very fancy, but it's pretty easy to work. 

Later on that day, he went axe throwing with a friend and I went to Mom's for dinner. 

I was at church early again for praise team rehearsal Sunday morning, then home for the rest of the day while he went to work. It was a very low key weekend, and I was perfectly happy with that. I watched a stupid amount of movies this past week, taking a break from reading for the week. 

I loved the Saturday rehearsal for choir. It was very much needed and appreciated. Our church hired a worship "consultant" to come and assess our needs to help us find a worship leader. We've been without one since the end of February, which sounds like forever, but when the world halted the way it did, the man who was filling in temporarily just kept filling in. He still is, and he is doing a great job! I'm so appreciative of him, because this kind of thing isn't his normal job. Ray Jones was there to encourage us, though and to lead us and teach us. We've become smaller in size since starting back with rehearsals in August and he taught us to sound much bigger than what our numbers say we are.

I did come home feeling encouraged and feeling very sorry for all who missed out being there in person—especially because we had major technical difficulties (several states did, in fact). Online church is not a replacement for the real deal. We are meant for fellowship and time with others and we are made for worship! It's hard to worship when you're at home and some of you may do that, but I would guess the majority do not. I know I didn't when I was at home for those weeks with no church. 

All in all, it was a good weekend. I watched another movie Sunday night and caught up on laundry and some other housekeeping things. This week will be a little busier for me than normal because I'm sharing my car and because Bible study starts back this week. I'm looking forward to that and to seeing one of my best friends that I haven't seen since the start of summer. 

Thanks for reading along! Love to all. 


  1. How exciting to have Bible study beginning again! That is one thing I sorely miss!! Have a great week - here's to all the blogging:)

  2. Yes! I feel the same about starting up again. I've been doing one on my own and an online one, but it's not the same. Thanks, I hope you have a good week too!


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