Monday, August 17, 2020

catching up from last week and Hello Monday linkup


Happy Monday, friends. I'm linking up with Tanya from The Other Side of the Road for this blog post.

Well. I never meant to let a full week go by without posting here, but sometimes that happens. My week felt "off" all week long and I'm not sure why. All I can say to try to explain is that sometimes I am extremely inconsistent in my routines and I can't seem to get my act together to pull out of that. Usually when I feel this way, which happens every couple of months or so, I stay quiet on the blog and I try to work through all my thoughts. This continued from Sunday of last week all the way until yesterday. I can't really explain it any other way as to why I go through moments in time like this. It may be hormonal, it may be that I'm struggling with something (which is what I think my problem was last week), or it may be that I'm busy. 

That being said, here's to hoping for a different kind of week. I'm writing this on Saturday, so fingers crossed that it's a more productive week.

Here are some things I kept wanting to talk about from last week.

We did a thing last weekend. After almost seventeen years of us using that table in the first picture, we replaced it with a brand new set! I love it so much and believe it or not, it's the first dining set we've ever purchased in our almost 24 years of marriage. Our dining room table belonged to my mom and our kitchen table set came from the previous owners of our houses. I asked them to leave it for us because we needed a second table. I love the bench along the back and how it no longer obstructs the window view. 

My friend Amy brought by our new Bible study on Thursday. There is something really surreal about seeing my name on the outside cover of this Bible study! It was a labor of love and it feels a bit as if a whole bunch of people are going to be handling our "baby". It's exciting! Also, pertaining to this, on Monday five of us who wrote this met at our church for an interview video that we recorded. That will be posted on social media and maybe sent out in a mass email this coming week. It was different, that whole experience, but it was fun. We did it once and then had to start all the way over, so it was also slightly nerve-wracking.

I've not been loving where I'm reading in my Bible reading plan lately, so I've been reading in other places and using this resource in my morning quiet time each day. What I read on Friday really helped me gain a bit of perspective and was something I needed to read at that exact moment.

Last, but not least in pictures, is what I did Friday night. My friend Missy and I celebrated our friend Teresa's birthday with her that night by introducing her to Pancho's.

Pancho's is an iconic Memphis restaurant and now she is a Memphian. (She is from Miami.)

We were going to shop after this, but everything closes early these days, so we found ourselves at an international farmer's market.

Where we got into all kinds of fun things. We laughed ourselves silly and browsed all the aisles and I only almost fell once. (I'm graceful like that.)

It was SUCH a fun night, and one that I needed. We all needed it, actually. We ended by eating frozen custard.  

Also this week I watched a lot of Netflix. I go in spurts as far as my level of productivity, and this week was slow. I watched a great book-turned-movie on Netflix called The Lost Husband (written by Katherine Center with the same title) and I stayed home. I did get out a few times, but other than that I stayed put. I did the same thing on Saturday, when I sent off two of my sons for a week long beach vacation.

Drew, Noah and their friend Jarrett left Saturday for Daytona Beach, Florida. This is a first for all of them, I think, this trip on their own. They took my car and Drew and Noah are sharing in the driving. Noah drove to get them started and they stopped in Valdosta, Georgia for the night and finished the drive into Daytona Beach on Sunday. I look forward to seeing all their pictures this week and know they'll have a blast. I'd love for you to help me pray for them all and their safety all week and as they come home next Sunday.

I laid low the rest of the weekend. I read, I did laundry, I did some blog things, I went to church and choir practice on Sunday and that was about all. It was nice. Thanks for reading! Love to all. 


  1. So many great things! The table looks so nice in your kitchen and so exciting about the book! I haven't been to Panchos in ages, but I do love their cheese dip :). Also, I just added that movie to my Netflix list this weekend, so will have to watch it soon. Happy Monday!

    1. Thank you, Marilyn! I love it too and am already enjoying it so much. I think you'll love the movie, it was so good! Have a great day!

  2. Praying for your boys on their vacation! Congrats on the Bible Study. I also love Our Daily Bread for when I'm not finding inspiration from other studies. Love the table!

  3. Hooray for your Bible study! That is awesome! So glad you posted on Monday. Last week, I was concerned something was wrong.


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