Tuesday, August 25, 2020

being a woman of the Word of God

I have to confess something. Sometimes I write something or say something as a way of kind of tossing around a phrase that sounds good, but then I won't take the same advice for myself. Isn't that terrible? This little saying , women in the Word—it's catchy, but do I take it literally for myself? Most times, yes. But not always, apparently.

I love to share with people how the Lord drew me to Him through the reading of His Word and tell people often how important a quiet time with Him is every single day. What I don't share is that I sometimes struggle in this myself, like right now when I've neglected my chronological reading plan the past few weeks. I am smack dab in the middle of the prophesy books in the Old Testament and they are hard for me. So much so that I just had to put it down a few weeks ago when we first began in Jeremiah. I'm still reading each day, here and there, but I have no formal plan and the enemy has been messing with me as a result.

It's connected, you know, how when we don't read the Word of God consistently, we allow the enemy a spot he can slip in quietly and undetected. 

I know this about our enemy and am not immune to his sneaky ways. I always have to stop and give thanks to God when He shows me a glimpse of this in my own life; I love something I once heard Priscilla Shirer say about this subject of spiritual warfare—we don't need to give the enemy TOO much credit, but most of us don't give him enough. Meaning that we need the reminder of the fact that in Ephesians 6, Paul tells us that our enemy isn't against flesh and blood; it's against the dark unseen spiritual realm all around us.

That being said, it seems the Lord keeps showing me things like this reminder about our enemy being unseen and not flesh and blood, and He keeps reminding me that I can trust Him. He's given me opportunities to trust Him with just this week alone—I don't mind sharing one with you so that you can help me pray. My son is in nursing school, most of you know that; it's online this semester, which we expected. The part we didn't expect was for his clinicals to be online. I'm not sure how all of that is going to play out, because it all has to take place via a SEVEN HOUR LONG Zoom call. He doesn't know how it's going to work out, either. Will you please help me pray for him in this? I know that I can trust the Lord with all of this and none of it is taking Him by surprise. I know if this is God's will for Drew, that He will help him through all of this. But can you imagine having to be in his shoes? I cannot. He could use all the prayers he can get. Thanks in advance for helping me pray, not only for him but also for other students like him who are trying to function during this crazy time.

Needless to say, these verses below are so very comforting to me right now and I have to remind myself of them often.

Thanks for reading my blog and thanks in advance for helping me pray. Love to all. 

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