Friday, July 17, 2020

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for this blog post.

It was a great week...a little different that what I expected for the week, but I'll catch you up in a minute. I'm sharing some favorites from the week: both things that are useful and events or memories.

This is one of my current favorite songs. I had it on repeat most of Thursday. Here it is:

Also on repeat is the song Authority by Elevation Worship, and here's the song below.

I love music, I've mentioned that a time or two.

On a lighter note, this new purse is my current favorite.

I bought it last weekend at Ross' and paid $15 for it. I love a good bargain! Add to that the cute factor, and I'm happy.

I love a good memory, and thanks to Facebook, I get them daily.

One of my favorite things to do with my kids was summer camp. This is Jonah and Noah when they were in about the second grade, and they're still friends with these other boys Ben and Andy. I love long friendships like theirs and consider that a huge gift from the Lord.

Again with the quiet time theme this time with Jesus each morning has been so sweet. I want to encourage you in this—do not neglect this time each day! If you're sick, if you're rushed, if you're frustrated with the world—take the time and spend it with Jesus. You'll never do anything more important. I've been in Colossians, Ephesians, Philippians, Proverbs, Psalm...basically all over the place and I have loved every moment. This time with Jesus each morning is my favorite time of day.

Thursday mornings have become my new favorite weekday morning because I've set aside some time in the early morning hours to pray...other than that, it seems a little too sacred to mention anything else about that time with Jesus.

Once again, on a lighter note, coffee is my favorite.

Up until the quarantine, we bought and ground (grinded?) our own coffee beans from Costco. We've used the Don Pablo brand for years, and it's about $14 for a two pound bag. (Todd told me this after he checked—people were asking me on social media.)

Other favorite things from the week include the following:

I spent Saturday with Mom and Trish. Anytime I'm with them is a favorite time.

I listened to an entire podcast on Thursday about books from my childhood. I love Sophie Hudson and Melanie Shankle, and if you've never listened to their Big Boo Cast, do yourself a favor and listen. They're my favorites. So are all the books they talked about in episode 193—it makes me want to re-read all my childhood favorites like Nancy Drew and Sweet Valley High.

My mom and dad-in-love came for dinner Thursday night. Spending time with is always a favorite time. We ate good food, we had good was a good night.

I got to see Dad on Friday! I made us lunch again and we stayed here at my house. I love our Fridays.

Some not so favorite moments include Drew being in excruciating pain in his jaw and ear—he went to see our dentist Monday morning and was told he needed to get all four wisdom teeth pulled asap. As does Jonah, but Jonah is not in pain. Thursday morning found them and Todd at an oral surgeon's office and they've scheduled both procedures. Jonah will get his out on Monday morning and Drew on Friday morning. Drew was offered the Monday morning time slot first because he's in pain, but he doesn't want to miss work at all, if he can help it. He's hoping to be able to return on Monday after he recovers some over the weekend.

The Lord did some really cool things regarding all of this, but I'll save that for another day. Will you please join me in praying for them both? I'd love for the procedure to go smoothly and for their recovery to be normal. I am praying and hoping they don't get dry sockets—I had that and I still remember the horrible pain it was. I'd really appreciate your prayers for them both! I plan on stocking up on soft foods for them over the weekend.

Thanks for reading along, friends. Have a great weekend! Love to all.


  1. Hello - happy Wednesday! How is Jonah feeling? Two oral surgeries in one week - that is a bit!

    I have been reading and keeping up with your posts...but have been doing so on my tablet - and I cannot respond (um, type) on my little tablet. It is handy and all but this old lady needs a full keyboard to type anything of real value. So I do not leave comments - but I sure have been enjoying and blessed. Thanks for posting regularly...and for all your encouragement!!

    Will be praying for Friday's surgery as well. Hopefully it will be a quiet weekend:)

  2. Thank you for that encouragement! You have no idea how much it means to me. He is doing was the third day, so it's been rough. Prayerfully tomorrow he will turn a corner. 🙏 That made me laugh...because my eyes are terrible! I think I may need bifocals. My vision has changed since January! Growing older gracefully is not for the faint of heart. Take care! ❤️


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Friday Favorites, 3.28.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! It's my favorite day of the week, and I am excited for my weekend. How's your week been? I had what felt li...