Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Tuesday things

Happy Tuesday, Friends! I thought I'd share a few things about what all has been happening latelyand what all is going on this week....I'm not sure how it happened this way, but it's shaping up to be a very busy week. My sister Debi has been in town since last Thursday night, and I've enjoyed hanging out with these pretty ladies all weekend. This is Debi beside me, and Mom and Trish are in the backseat. We took this Monday as we ran around together and had lunch.   

We always have fun together, but we sure missed our other sister Lisa being with us! She and Debi and their families (well, most of Lisa's family) all live in the same area in the Denver area of Colorado. I think it's interesting how half of us stayed here and half of us ended there. Lisa's son Tyler still lives here in the area, as do my mom, Bill, Trish, and her son. We did this same thing on Saturday when we were out, but today proved to be a more successful day, and some of us (Trish and me) both ended up with new shoes. Praise hands!

I always love it when someone suggests a podcast, so this is me suggesting a podcast for anyone who may interested in finding one. First, Joanna Weaver wrote a book called Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, and it was life changing for me. I knew when I saw this that anything with her name on it would be good, and this first of two episodes was! She featured my favorite author, Robin Jones Gunn on this one, and I love that Robin speaks identically to how she writes. You should listen, if you have some spare time. I listen on Spotify as an Android phone person, but for you Apple people, check out that or iTunes. 

This picture above is one of my favorite memories ever. This particular summer is the year she and I took the boys on a little road trip to Mississippi. We didn't go far, but this is one of the most fun things I ever did with my sons. Look how little they all were! It's the year they all wanted buzz cuts because they were all playing baseball, but notice little Noah's faux hawk. He begged me for a mohawk, but this I agreed to. 

I love this picture of Debi and me! We rarely get our picture together, and I jumped on the chance while we were alone in the car on Monday. She's so beautiful...she always has been, but I love her with the grown out bangs. It's not easy doing that, so I know her hair was driving her crazy, but she always manages to look pretty. 

 This may not look it to you, but look at how cleaned out and organized my little cabinet in the kitchen is! This is where I sit for quiet time each day, right beside this cabinet, and while I chatted on the phone with my best friend Sunday night I cleaned it out. I love books and tools to help me study the Bible, so this gets really full and messy pretty quick. I clean it out every few months and take some of the books back upstairs.

I mentioned how busy the week is, I think it's because not only do I have things to do each day, but my family does as well. They're all working just about everyday this week, and I have something planned each day...except for part of Tuesday. I am not complaining, I promise. Just yesterday morning I was thanking God at how normal this week felt and even sent Toddley off to work with a packed lunch. That hasn't happened since March!

We're having some concrete work done this week, which is exciting. Over the weekend the guys and Toddley busted up the walkway in front of our house and then took it all to my dad's to put on some land that was washing away by his lake. We couldn't have planned that better if we had tried! It helped him out, it helped us out, and after a couple of hours of finishing up on Sunday, it had all been accomplished. I was thankful that the boys worked so hard, Toddley told me that day later on that they were the ones that did all the work that day. He did more on Saturday when they were using a Jackhammer to bust up the old walkway, but I was very grateful they were around to make things a little easier on him Sunday. I can't wait to see how it all turns out by the end of the week! From there, we can continue on with the flower beds and landscaping. We've kind of been in a holding pattern, so it'll be fun to see the rest come to fruition.

There are other things this week, but I don't possess the brain power to discuss them at this time. If you're still here and reading, thanks for that! Love to all.  

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a few random things on a Tuesday

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about a few random things here today. I hope you enjoy! It's hard to believe that I hav...