Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, Friends!  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals and her friend Shaeffer for this blog post. 

This week was so much better than my last week.  I haven't written much on here because I can't seem to stay ahead of things right now.  In the past weeks, I was writing every post the day before, or even several days before, but that hasn't happened this week.  I've still been around, though, we're just a little busier than we've been in the weeks past.  Here are some of my favorite moments/things from this week. 

One week ago today, my bestie celebrated her birthday.  (Missy is on the right in both pictures.)

She is my favorite for a million reasons, one of them being that we are like the same exact person.  We are timely and organized, we plan things in advance, and the same things make us happy, like when we're alone and able to watch all the tv that we want.

I'm almost to week three of having my nails done again at my favorite local salon, and I go every three or four weeks, but this picture from my memories on Facebook this morning made me want this color again.  My nail polish color taste has changed over the years, and most of the time nowadays I get white.  I'm thinking the next time I go, I'm going to try to find this color.  Bright colors are my favorite in the summer time, especially when my skin has a bit of color from the sun.

My pastor preached a phenomenal message this past Sunday, and this quote by Dr. Tony Evans is one of my favorite things I've seen.  If we want to see better, we just need to be better people.  That means, be kind to everyone at all times. 

I've had a couple of times this week when my oldest son and I have had some really great conversations.  Graham is 21, and that is still so hard for me to believe...but one of my favorite things in life is when my grownup kids and I are able to sit and have conversation.  This was me sitting with him while he ate dinner on Tuesday night.  We ate before him, because he went to a friend's graduation. 

Isn't he handsome?

This same handsome man went and looked at another apartment yesterday.  He really wants to move out, but he needs a roommate.  I'm okay with this, I feel like it's time for him to spread his wings.  He has a great job and makes decent money to be so young, but rent is no joke.  I know it'll happen when the Lord means for it to happen, and I certainly trust Him with the lives of all of my sons.

This view is one of my favorite views.  I love my kitchen, and this was me on Tuesday, with things spread out all over the table.  This is where I sit and have my quiet time each morning.

I posted this on social media that day, because these are the sheets I use to study with.  They're my cheat sheets for all the kings in the divided kingdoms in the Old Testament.  I'm reading about all of them now in my chronological Bible and I'm doing a Bible study on them as well, by Lysa TerKeurst that's called Trustworthy.

I snuck a picture of the Bible of one of my favorite people on all of the planet: Mrs. Barbee.  I love her so much, and when I see her Bible I think of that saying that goes, "The sign of a Bible that's falling apart is the sign of a life that is not."

A couple of my favorites from Scripture this week...I think this bottom one was out of Proverbs, but still...the word of God is living and active!  It is so relevant to today.  If I could say that to every young person on the face of the earth, I would say it: Read the word of God everyday!  You'll never do one thing that's more important. 

This was us Wednesday night.  It was my favorite night of the week and Todd, Jonah and I sat out here because the weather was perfect.

Fun mail days are my favorite!  I ordered this one Wednesday morning and received it yesterday morning.  I can't wait to dig into it.

I'll leave you with one more, and that is Mandisa and good summertime music.  I sat for about three hours on Wednesday and made a Summer 2020 playlist on Spotify.  I'm anticipating listening to it poolside soon.  Right, Phyllis?! 

Thanks for reading, y'all.  Have a great weekend!  Love to all. 


  1. I’ll have to add Someone Like You to my to read list and that devotional too. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you had a great weekend,and that you like the book! She never lets me down.

  2. Thanks for such an uplifting post. I think rent has gotten so expensive and I hope your son finds the right place soon. Have a good weekend. :)

    1. You're welcome, Tanya! It surely has. I know it'll happen eventually, I just feel bad for him. I know he wants to move out and gain some independence. Thanks...I hope yours was great, too!

  3. I love your cheat sheets! I did the BSF study on people of the promised land last year and it was great walking through the end of the judges. I love Mandisa - always such uplifting music.

    1. Thanks, Jess! I bet that was a great study. I love studying the Old Testament. I hope your weekend was good!


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