Monday, May 4, 2020

Hello Monday/the weekend

Happy Monday, friends.  I am linking up with Tanya from The Other Side of the Road for this blog post. 

How was your weekend?  Ours was good.  On this weekend every year, my husband is usually gone the entire weekend.  He works with the sheriff's department and each year in Memphis, this first weekend is Music Fest.  All of May is called Memphis in May with Music Fest kicking it all off, then the third weekend is always barbecue fest.  There are other things that happen probably, but those are the two I'm most familiar with.  Needless to say, this is postponed until October, and he was more than a little sad.  Also what made it worse is the fact that the weather would have been perfect the entire weekend.  This never happens at Music Fest and it's always jokingly referred to as Mud Fest.

Anyway, on Friday night, my best friend and her husband came over with their dinner and we all hung out on the deck until after ten.  It was a fun night!  I had my bluetooth speaker out there and we listened to either George Strait or 90's country the whole time.  We eventually had a fire in the fire pit, but it was a fun night and felt "normal".  While we hung out with them, all the boys played tennis at the park across the street from our house.

On Saturday, we enjoyed a lazy day.  I did a little bit of laundry, I vacuumed, made my bed, finished some work on the Bible study I'm helping write, then we sat around and watched tv.  That afternoon Todd left to go look for crawfish to buy (he didn't find any) and the boys and him all went to his friend Chris' house for a shrimp/crawfish boil.  I stayed home and enjoyed an empty house and watched my show on Hulu.  It was GLORIOUS.

For the second night in a row, I had this for dinner.  Sauteed (or stir fried) onions, mushrooms and bell peppers over rice.  It's the most satisfying meal ever and I think I could eat it every single night and not grow tired of it.  I've been craving veggies like this a lot lately and every time I grocery shop, I load up on more.  Drew and I are the only two that eat like this, though.  It would also be good with some diced up chicken thrown in and maybe some spinach even. 

(That is not a hair in the bowl, it's a crack...I always think it's a hair when I use this bowl.)

Sunday we enjoyed church online and I made a trip to the store for some things we needed.  It was a great weekend.  Todd thought Saturday was Sunday, so all our days are still running together, but that's understandable.  I've done the same thing, I think we all have. 

My plans this week include a Zoom meeting with the writing team from my church I'm on this morning, I would love to drive out and see my dad, I plan on meeting with a couple of my best friends again on Thursday in the parking lot of our church, cooking, maybe trying to get a little bit of color on my white legs if the weather is nice, finishing the book I'm currently reading and starting and finishing the new one I ordered a few weeks ago, writing and blogging, and I don't know what else.  I've found if I have one thing planned each day that the time goes by a little faster. 

What are your plans this week?  I'd love to hear from you!  Thanks for reading.  Love to all. 


  1. Sounds like a great weekend! I plan on organizing recipes, working a puzzle, and taking walks this week. I also have found having at least one thing planned helps the day. Hope the Zoom meeting goes well.

    1. That sounds like a great week, too! Isn't it funny how this quarantine has changed us all, and how we plan now? I live in Collierville, so we are starting to reopen this week. It'll be interesting to see how this goes. I honestly still don't plan getting out much. I hope your week is good! Thank you for stopping by!

  2. I need to get to the post office and finish putting together my mother's day gifts. I also need to make a few sympathy cards and get them in the mail. I hope to finish my book and work on my puzzle too.

    1. Those are all fun things to work on! I need to put together some mother's day gifts as well.

  3. It really does help to have something planned each day, even if it is just a chore or small outing. Today I took the dog to the vet! Hope you have a good week!

    1. It does! I know it's all in my head, but it lightens my mood and makes the days go by faster. Thanks, I hope you have a great one as well!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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