Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends!  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals (and her friend Shaeffer) for this blog post.

This week went by so fast, and it felt normal again, which thrills my heart.  I stayed pretty caught up on laundry, which is always so nice, we got started in the process of talking about our (soon to be ready) flower beds, we got the time scheduled for it to begin, my guys worked, I cooked, I got to go to church one night (to record music for this Sunday), and the light at the end of this quarantine tunnel is officially visible to me and getting brighter.

Here are a few favorite things about our week.

My favorite author came out with book two in her series, Haven Makers.  I received the second one free to read and review on my blog, but I hadn't read the first one yet, so I ordered it and read it over the weekend.  I can't say enought about this book, but it was so beautiful, and comforting to my soul.  Robin Jones Gunn has a way with words that nobody else has, and I've been reading them for thirty years now.

Reading has been my favorite part of the week, and a huge theme, since I'm on a reading kick.  (I go in spurts.)

This is the series I'm in the middle of reading right now.  This may be my favorite book of the series.  I say this about all of them, truthfully, and it changes according to where I am in life when I read (and re-read) the books.

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth is my favorite speaker and person to listen to on a podcast.  This book was so very good!  In reading this on Monday, I discovered that I would like to read some of Robert's books as well as more of hers.  He is a great writer, and I can almost hear him speak.

I am currently in the book of Psalm for my daily chronological Bible reading.  Psalms is my favorite book in the Bible!  I say that all the time, too, though I really mean it this time.  I love to read the Psalms, pray them over my family, and write them.  I have a notebook I've been writing them in ever since we've been quarantined.

Also, each week my friend Amy (who is also the director of women's ministries at our church) has been teaching on a Psalm.  I've enjoyed these online sessions so much!

One of my favorite moments from this week was this past Saturday when my favorite checker at my local grocery store handed me this beautiful card.  I almost cried, I was so touched.  I have this in my room on my bookshelves, because I want to remember how God felt very close to me in that moment when she did this.  He does feel so very close to me sometimes.  Not always, but sometimes I can almost tangibly feel His presence.

Another favorite time from my week was Sunday.  The day started out rough, but it got infinitely better when I left home at one and didn't return until bedtime.  I went to visit my stepmom and dad, and then my mom.  It was so nice being out of my house all day!  I needed that kind of a day, because I haven't really been anywhere in two months now, other than the grocery store.  What began as rough, ended in a way that was glorious.  I was thanking the good Lord for it all the way home.

Another highlight of my week was on Tuesday night, when I got to go to church!  This is our last week of online church only, and the praise team met on Tuesday night to record the music for Sunday.  That will never be normal, by the way, and is every bit as intimidating as it sounds.  I'm not a huge fan of doing that, but it was needed and it was my turn.  Starting next week, we will begin meeting again at the building, but in various rooms throughout.  That will be interesting, but I am so excited to see that light at the end of this long tunnel we've lived in since mid-March.

Thursday night was another favorite.  I met a couple of my best friends in the church parking lot, and we ate dinner together and caught up once again.  You have no idea what these Thursday nights mean to me~to all of us, really.

That's about it for my week~how was yours?  I'd love to hear about it!  Thanks for reading, and love to all.


  1. That was really a blessing to get the card from the checker. You noticed her, and obviously she noticed your kindness too. I'm so happy y'all are returning to church. Have a wonderful weekend! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. It was a huge blessing! I can't wait to see her next. I want to tell her how much I needed to read the words on the card. I hope your weekend is great!


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