Friday, May 1, 2020

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends!  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals and her friends for this blog post. 

It's been a decent week.  By decent I mean that we're all still making it, and I have some good news on the horizon.  And, I've been successful at selling a few things on Facebook marketplace, so that's been fun. 

I revisited one of my favorite movies this week, one that I'd completely forgotten about. 

This was out in theaters my senior year of high school, and man it brought back all the feels!  I love Billy Crystal in anything that he's in, and back in the day, this satisfied my craving for any and everything French related.  (I took four years of it in high school and still remember enough to know certain words and phrases.)  I'm still watching Friday Night Lights, as well, and just made it over into season four.  (Seasons two and three were not my fav.)  This season is looking better so far.

These are my favorite shoes.  They're Ugg slippers, and they save my feet from hurting when I'm at home.  They were a splurge, even as a gift, but I am getting great use out of them. 

Remember going to nail salons?  Fun times.  I redid my toes and fingers on Thursday, and was laughing at how different nail day looks now.  Also, I think I solved the problem as to why the polish keeps peeling quickly.  I think it's because the top coat I had been using was old and that was what was peeling, not the color.  I threw it away and am using this Sally Hansen double duty now as both bottom and top coats.  That spray you see lives up to its name and makes them dry crazy fast.

Nights out on the deck are still our favorite.  We were out there Wednesday night, even though it was extremely windy.  We finally had to come in.

Reading is my favorite, we all know that, but I love it even more when friends bring by books for me to read.  My friend just told me to pass them on when I was finished and I promised her I would do so.

May one means a new Scripture writing plan, and this month's topic is my favorite!  Everyone could use more kindness in their lives.  EVERYONE. 

Coming across old pictures are my favorite, and I came across these this week.  My breath caught for a minute when I realized that Jonah and Noah are going to be seniors in the fall, and I started compiling some photos for their senior memory moments.  Babies don't keep, y'all.  And once they get to middle school?  It's all a blur.  I know it's cliche, but it's so true!

Other favorite moments consisted of talking with friends on the phone, seeing a friend from church briefly on Thursday when I took something to her house, seeing two of my best friends Thursday night for a little quarantine version of girl's night out (six feet apart as always), and laughing with my husband.  We needed moments of laughter this week, so it was nice. 

How's your week been?  Share some favorite moments with me, I'd love to hear them.  Thanks for reading!  I hope your weekend is great.  Love to all!


  1. Great photos! I have been wanting to go through some photos (all the boxes!) but not sure I am up to "all the feels"!! But goodness remembering how stinking cute they were!!

    I tried doing my own nails. It lasted one day. Not sure where I want to visit more....the salon for my hair or the nail salon!!?! Hmmmm

    Have a great weekend!!

    1. Thank you! Yes, going through old photos is not for the faint of heart! If I had to pick hair or nails, I think I would pick hair salon. My roots are really dark and I miss highlights! Hope you're having a great weekend!

  2. I surprisingly haven't read much lately apart from blogs and cookbooks! I just don't seem to have long enough stretch or the desire too when I am supervising my boys outside.

    1. I started off strong with the reading, but tv has taken over my life. I am getting close to finishing off Friday Night Lights!

  3. You are absolutely right that after middle school it all goes by in a blue. Love your deck photo! Hope you have a good weekend.

    1. Isn't a huge blur?! 😭 Thank you, I hope the same for you!

  4. I so agree; I have two in middle school and one in high school and I just can't believe how much it seems like time is speeding up!

    1. Man! It's rough, having time fly so quickly! I am really glad (mostly) for all the time we've had together through being quarantined at home.


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