Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What's Up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday, friends.  I'm linking up with Shay from Mix and Match Mama and her friend Sheaffer for this blog post.

What we're eating this week:

Monday night we had leftovers, Tuesday night we had Mexican chicken with rice and refried beans, and I've got the stuff to have hamburgers one night, cabbage and sausage, baked potatoes, and chicken fajitas.  It's a good food week around here.  Mexican is what I'm craving right now the most, and I hope my family doesn't care.  Since they didn't give me ideas, we're going with what my idea.

What I'm reminiscing about:

Shopping.  Eating in Mexican food restaurants.  Chips and salsa.  Marshall's.  Basically, all the days before the stupid Corona virus.

What I'm loving:

Cooler nights and outside lights.  We're still loving our new deck.

What we've been up to:

Pretty much that.  Yup.  And house things.

What I'm dreading:

Not knowing when we can get out again in the public and with the general population.  Our state is opening back up on May 1, except for nine counties, and I live in one of them.  Our mayor can't even give us a date as to when he thinks we'll open back up.  I love a meme that my husband posted, with which I agree: let the concerned people stay home, and let everyone else go back to work and back to life as usual.

What I'm working on:

I'm on the writing team with five other women from my church, and we are in the throes of writing our first Bible study together.  We're in the editing process and it will published and printed in the fall for the ladies in our church to take.  I can't wait to see it all when it's finished, but it is going to be SO GOOD!  I am not at liberty to tell you what the study is on yet, but it's on a book in the Bible.  ;)

What I'm excited about:

Going to HomeGoods.  Eating at my favorite Mexican restaurant.  Seeing one of my best friends that I haven't seen since January.  Thursday night with two other of my best friends, when we meet and sit apart and have dinner together in a parking lot.

What I'm watching/reading:

I'm reading a book right this moment, but when I'm finished with it, I'm going to start on one of these.  My friend Amy brought them by to me on Monday, and I'm so thankful!  I promised her I would pass them on when I'm finished.

My current book is Sisterchicks in Gondolas by Robin Jones Gunn.  I'm still watching Friday Night Lights on Hulu and am on season three.  Just last night I started the movie Forget Paris on Hulu, the one with Billy Crystal and Debra was so good!  I loved that movie when I was a senior in high school.  I checked the date it came out, and the year was 1995!

I love watching all the shows and movies I loved as a teenager.  

What I'm listening to:

The Revive Our Hearts podcasts and worship music.  I have a playlist on Spotify called Worship 2020 with all my current favorites.  

What I'm wearing:

Nothing but comfy and cozy everything.  And my lifesaving slippers that were a gift from my in-love's back from Christmas: Ugg slippers that are leopard print.

They may not look like much, but let me tell you something.  My feet can be killing me, and I'll come home and put these on and it's like they sigh in relief.  I have serious foot problems/ankle problems/tendonitis/plantar fascitis and these are the BEST THING EVER.  They were stupid expensive, but it was a combined birthday and Christmas present to me.

What I'm doing this weekend:

More of the same, but using our new grill that we just bought, eating outside on the deck, maybe seeing some people who don't live inside our house.  

What I'm looking forward to next month:

Life getting back to normal.  Prayerfully.  

What else is new:

Todd and Bill (my stepdad) are in the process of putting up the new porch railing.  They're almost done!  It's been a bear of a project, and then yesterday it started raining, so it's been a slow process.  I know they'll be glad to have it done.

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.  


  1. Sounds like an exciting project with the bible study! I am ready for some things to open again too, even at half capacity. I will be mask ready :) Have a great day.

  2. Thank you for stopping by to read! Yes, I can't wait to share more about it, and then to be at the point where we can hand it off to the professionals to finish it for us! I agree, half capacity is better than nothing...I just miss human interaction! Take care!

  3. That is so strange that some counties won't open up, but your state will. Texas will be partially opening on Friday, and the governor said his order overrides any local orders. Hope you get out soon (safely of course!)

  4. It IS! It almost doesn't make sense, even. Supposedly our county had a bunch more test positive over the weekend, and that's what they're going on. I mean...I know it's real, but we just don't believe all the numbers and statistics the media is reporting. We know too many people who are working in hospitals right now, and they're saying something way different than the news outlets. It's crazy. I'm so jealous of you being able to get out! I hope y'all enjoy that, I know we're all tired of being cooped up.

  5. When my family doesn't give me ideas for menu planning, we end up eating a lot of the things I enjoy too! And yes, I am hoping we get to open up soon. I want everyone to be safe but I'm also so tired of being stuck at home. This is hard.

    1. Yes! Thankfully they don't seem to mind all my cravings. 😂 We've had an abundance of Mexican inspired dinners, though. It is hard! But I think we may almost be at the end of it. Maybe.


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