Monday, April 27, 2020

weekending/Hello Monday

Happy Monday, friends!  I'm linking up with Tanya at The Other Side of the Road for this blog post.

It was such a good weekend.  The weather was beautiful, we were around people who are not part of our family, we ate good food, I watched some good television, and I was able to comfortably wear a hoodie without getting hot.  It was lovely. 

On Friday, I told my hubby to see if his friend Chris wanted to come over to give his wife a break from him.  (I'm laughing as I write that.)  Throughout this quarantine, Todd has seen his friend and partner on the sheriff's department several times, so there was no hesitation about him coming over.  He lives a good bit away, but when he had a delivery out close to us, he took Todd up on his offer and came over around four thirty.  Once he got here, they sat outside for a while and we ended up ordering Chinese takeout for dinner.  After dinner, the boys asked them to go to a local school to play wiffle ball with them.  They were gone for a couple of hours, then all came back here and sat outside on the deck.  I was thrilled to have some quality time with my newest favorite show, Friday Night Lights. 

 It was a blessed night.

We didn't do anything most of Saturday.  Well, I didn't.  The boys left to play tennis several times and were out and about getting food and bringing it home.  Graham, Jonah and one of Graham's friends drove downtown to take pictures of their trucks. 

I saw this Saturday and cracked up.  True story.  My best friend and I have this thing in our texts, where we send bitmojis of ourselves and funny Corona memes to each other everyday.  This was one that was new to me.

Also on Saturday, an old neighbor came by to check on the house he still owns but has as a rental property, and we got to catch up with him.  I'm so sad that we weren't closer to he and his wife and family while they lived next door, but it's a great reminder to be friendly to our neighbors, and to our best ability, to get to know them.  I'll write a little more about this on Tuesday, though...

We sat outside for a while Saturday night, just my husband, me, and our pups.

I eventually got really cold and then came in.  We would have had a fire in the firepit, but we are currently out of wood.  Todd stayed out there, and I came in and watched an episode or two of FNL, and then I went upstairs to shower and go to bed.

Church was so good yesterday!  I miss my church family I almost can't see straight.  I'm so ready to be back in person and to worship collectively with the body of believers of where we attend.  I think we're in the process of maybe thinking about starting to open the doors back up soon, because we were all sent a survey to fill out last week.  Needless to say, I marked that I would be there lining up outside the doors on the Saturday night before.  

That's about all we did all weekend!  Noah worked a shift last night, we sold some things on Facebook Market, Todd made a trip to Lowe's, I read my book, and enjoyed multiple phone conversations.  It was a great weekend and the weather was mostly perfect.  How was yours?  I'd love to hear about what you did with your time over the weekend.  

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.  


  1. That sounds like a perfect weekend. Friday Night Lights is such a good binge watch. I remember I watched it when we were living in England, and it really made me miss Texas! Have a good week!

  2. It was! It makes me want to visit Texas! I was there near Dallas about three years ago and we went through McKinney before we left and I've wanted to go back ever since! Thanks, Tanya, you too!


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