Monday, April 6, 2020

the weekend/Hello Monday

Happy Monday, friends!  I'm linking up with Tanya at The Other Side of the Road for this blog post.  It was a really good weekend around here, and somehow, it all felt normal.  We had things that kept us busy, so I know that's why it felt that way.  Also, it was GORGEOUS outside all weekend!  Two times the forecast had rain in it, and both times it missed us.  I'm so grateful for that, because our yard is more dry right now than it's been in weeks and weeks. 

I thought I'd share some highlights from the weekend.

We ordered this for dinner Friday night and it was so good!  It helped make Drew's birthday a little more special, I feel like.  And it was really nice not having to clean up any dishes.

The guys pulled out some of the old sports equipment over the last few days.  This was them one day in the afternoon throwing the baseball around.

Todd was finally able to put up this flag pole!  This took up a lot of the time on Saturday.  I love how it turned out! 

Here it is at night, with the light on top shining. 

The new and normal online church service yesterday. 

Please note all that was going on in this picture.  This was during the communion part of the service yesterday and they were irritating the daylights out of me.  Just being honest here, friends.  Also, please notice the sunglasses Drew was wearing and the fact that all the dogs were in there and trying to steal their communion elements. 

I loved this image I saw on another blog this morning.  I think it's really important to always look on the bright side of things, but especially right now.  I don't want to complain about these times too much, and I really try not to do that, because I know I'll look back soon and miss all of us being together so much.  This just resonated deep within me today when I saw it, and I wanted to share it here. 

Well, I need to go get dressed for a Zoom meeting I have in half an hour.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all. 


  1. Our rain did not miss us with the forecast but at least the sun is shining today and we were able to get out for a nice hike!

    1. Oh, well that's good that the sun is shining today! It helps so much. My next plan is to go walking more.

  2. I'm glad y'all had a good weekend. I think staying busy is the key to having good days in these crazy times. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. Yes! I agree totally. It is so good for the morale of all of us! Thanks for hosting it, have a great week!


  3. Our Sunday services at home look a lot like that too lol!

    1. Who ever would have thought?? 😉 Have a great week!


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