Monday, March 16, 2020
weekending/new normal/Hello Monday
I didn't realize until just a day or so ago that I've not really gotten out of my house much in the last week. Not because I'm fearful or anxious (right now, at least), but because in true introvert fashion, when things go a little crazy, my instinct is to stay put. And here's something cool: in my life right now, there is nowhere I have to be everyday. In light of that, I'm just staying home and doing things in my house. I've already cleaned out some cabinets and my bookshelf in our bedroom, and I've got other plans like that in the back of my head. I'm taking full advantage of this, because for the next few weeks, this may be the new normal.
Now, about the weekend...I'll start there.
On Friday, Drew came home from his early morning shift at work not feeling well, and him thinking he had fever. We used our thermometer (the swiping kind) and didn't fully trust the reading. He just took some medicine and went to bed, and I called my dad to cancel our day together. I hated to do that, but I do know it's better to be safe than sorry. I just did more of the same that day...cleaned a little, did some laundry, and I read. Todd worked a shift with the sheriff's department that night, and I watched some episodes of Behind the Design on Hulu. I also got caught up on the other shows I watch. I ate leftovers for dinner, and was here alone all evening.
On Saturday, I got up and braved the crowds, in need of a few things. I needed mousse for my hair, and gas in my car, and while I was out, I decided to drive by Kroger to check out the situation on the groceries. I didn't get meat or produce, but I was able to find some very green bananas and a bag of little oranges, and a few other things. I sincerely hope and pray that everyone stops all the madness with the hoarding, and that I'm able to find some grocery necessities this week.
I came home and put it all away, and read while Todd watched his shows on TV. And then all the boys gave all the dogs a bath.
Noah took this picture of Crash after his bath. Is he not the most adorable thing EVER? I shared this on Instagram and FB, and told people to stop talking about the corona virus and to instead share pictures of their cute kids and/or pets, and they did. About eighty people commented on that post, so apparently, I am not the only one needing people to stop with all those type posts.
Even the ones that people keep posting to "help" or "inform" are becoming like fear mongers. I'm over it and have already unfollowed a bunch of people. I'm about to do that for more! FOR THE LOVE, STOP WITH THE CORONA VIRUS POSTS.
Saturday night found Toddley and I eating Popeyes chicken and home alone. We watched some Live PD, and I finished one book and started another. As far as the books go, last week I cleaned off the bookshelf in my bedroom. I did that because I wanted the books back in order according to author/genre. I am re-reading my favorite series of books right now, the Sisterchicks books, by Robin Jones Gunn. I'm not keen on the thought of getting books from the library for a few weeks, so I thought this was a good idea. And also, because though I'm not scared of all that is going on, or fearful, sensing the panic in others has made me very anxious.
This is a screenshot I took this morning that I wanted to share. This was from Shannon, the lady over at who writes the scripture writing plans I always post about. That is one reason why I so love writing out the word of God: because of anxiety. Yes, I struggle with that, and yes, this helps me out. If this resonates with you, why not try it for yourself to test what I say? You'll see for yourself. You could write out what she did in this post, Psalm 91, or you could scroll through this blog and use the scripture writing plans I've shared in the past.
Now, here's some more cute dog pictures.
That first one with the red and white chair was two years ago today. Chip loved that chair! He was so little. And this was him, in the bottom one, keeping Todd's spot in bed warm last night. We were watching Netflix and going to sleep by the light of the twinkle lights I have hanging in there.
As for the rest of yesterday before I fell asleep, we all went to church, and never have I been more happy to be there. It was so good to be with my church family, to worship the Lord with other believers, and to hear a special message that the Lord gave to my Pastor. He'd been plannign to preach on Isaiah 43, but the Lord gave him an entirely different message on a day later in the week. I love it when that happens, and know that when it does, it's going to be good. I'll share it on here tomorrow or Wednesday, when they send the link out in an email.
I came home and ate more leftovers for lunch, took a nap, watched more of Behind the Design, then tried watching some movies, but nothing sounded good. I called it a night at nine and went upstairs to bed.
On the agenda for today is grocery shopping. I'm going to try and see what I can come up with for all of us eating at home this week. Other than that, you'll find me catching up on bible reading, scripture writing, other writing stuff, and doing the ten loads of laundry that must be waiting on me upstairs. It's always there! I'll also be reading, maybe listening to another book on Audible, trying to get Chip to eat his food, cleaning a bit and vacuuming. It's a pretty low key day around here. This is spring break week, and the boys are glad for no school work. Now next week is a different story. The schools here are closed next week, and they asked me if they had to do school work. My answer was YES. We have homeschooled for years now, and life goes on as normal for us, though their friends are out.
Needless to say, they love me for that decision, as you can imagine seventeen year old boys would.
Don't forget, if you're anxious, TURN OFF THE NEWS. Stop watching it, and find other things to do. Turn on some music, read, listen to podcasts. That's what I've been doing. I'm watching enough news to get the weather report, and that's about it. And if you've never been good at reading the bible, start now! You could start in the book of John, or read the sermon on the mount, in Matthew. Just turn off the TV and that alone will help with anxiety, if you're having an issue with that.
Those are just my two cents.
Thanks for reading! Love to all.
Edited to add that I'm linking up with Tanya over at The Other Side of the Road for this blog post.
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weekending...the one about my friends taking me out to celebrate my divorce
Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a great weekend; I know I did and I wanted to share the highlights with you today, focusing mainly o...

Happy Saturday, friends! Is there anything cozier than a snow day (or several)?? I figured today is as good a time as any to bring back th...
Happy Thursday, friends! I'm so glad you're here today to link up with Joanne, Marilyn, Tanya, and me. I also hope that all of you...
Happy Thursday, friends! Guess what? I'm officially divorced. The judge granted us this yesterday morning when Todd went to court via ...
YES, I totally agree about turning off the news and watching your social media intake. I have been spending lots of time outside the last two days going on walks and doing yard work. Being physical definitely helps calm any anxiety. Hope you have a good week...take care and stay healthy.
ReplyDeleteYes! Being outdoors is great, weather permitting. I'm hoping the weather is better here the next few days so I can at least drive to somewhere pretty and walk some. We have a beautiful park that I love to go to near us. Welcome home from your spring break trip! I hope the same for you.
ReplyDeleteWe homeschool too so it's life as usual here while trying to get to the store every few days to see what we can find. We got out for a nice 2 hour hike yesterday but woke to snow today so I'm not thinking we'll be hiking today. I'm a fair weather hiker for sure. I have definitely stopped listening to the news and have not logged onto any social media; I've even cut waaay back on blogging because I just don't want to hear, listen, or even think about this virus anymore. Glad to know I'm not the only one feeling like this.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you and I are on the same page! Keep blogging, though....if I may encourage you....I love "life as normal" posts right now. I need them! So don't take a break for too long. Many of the bloggers I normally read are not writing right now, and I just feel this is when we need that more than ever. Isn't it funny how homeschooling is having a moment right now? Interesting times, for sure. ;)
ReplyDeleteTake care~