Tuesday, March 17, 2020
simply Tuesday
I have this routine in the mornings, and it is that I drink a cup of coffee and watch a tiny bit of news. As soon as that first cup of coffee is empty, I make my way into the kitchen and listen to a Revive Our Hearts Ministries podcast and make lunches and to go cups of coffee.
This is today's newest podcast series, on Psalm 46. It'll go for eight days and she will break down this chapter verse by verse.
After I'm done making their lunches and coffee, I make my second cup for the day and sit down at the kitchen table to read all the blogs I love, and then maybe write a blog post if I haven't already done that the night before, and then I'll have my quiet time. I go in this order because while I'm reading other blogs I love or writing my own post, it's a busy time and people are coming downstairs and leaving and playing with the dogs. I like to have my quiet time after they leave so I won't be distracted.
I say all this to say, where are all my blog people?! It seems as if the dreaded c word has shut down even the internet world, and many of them are not writing. I NEED SOME NORMAL, though, so if that's you I'm talking to, may I encourage you to keep writing? I need some lighthearted and easy thrown in with the serious. (I say this partly in jest, partly in truth and love. It's so easy to become overwhelmed, and while we need to take serious all the precautions, while we're all at home, let's have some nice and positive things on the internet. All the people I'm friends with on social media may get tired of me overposting during this time, but I do that because that's the kind of stuff I want to see and read about or listen to.)
So, I thought I'd share some things here about things we can do during this time, and some things we shouldn't do during this time.
First up on the list is that now is a good time to start a new habit! If you're a believer and don't regularly read the word of God, why not start now? Get the YouVersion app and get a plan to follow. It's best to have a plan to stick to, because you'll be less likely to miss.
How about trying to write out Scripture? Some suggestions are Psalm 34, 37, 46, 91, and Psalm 144 through 150. Take a few verses at a time and write them out. You could also seek out your own passages and use Google to look up keywords about attributes of God, like Him being trustworthy and in control. Just a suggestion.
I'm going to start memorizing some Scripture again. I used to love to do this and would memorize chapters at a time, but it's beeen a minute. I'm starting with a few verses out of Psalm 62, because my Pastor preached out of that chapter on Sunday. For this, I like to write out the passages on notecards and keep them with me and I'll go over them again and again and again until I've got it.
Listen to a podcast! I've already covered that multiple times.
Read books. Use an e-reader if you have one, because you can purchase and have it immediately. I love to read a funny memoir, and some of my favorites are Sophie Hudson and Melanie Shankle. If you have a favorite series, re-visit them and start all over. That's what I'm doing right now, and here is the series that is my most favorite of all time.
These are all so good! These are easy and lighthearted and make me smile. It's just what I need right now.
Make some phone calls! My mom and I talked for almost an hour yesterday. I've done the same with my mom-in-love. I called her on Friday and we talked for a while. I've also been calling my dad almost everyday. And of course, I call my friend all the time. If I'm not going to be seeing them for the unforseeable future, at least a good long phone call makes me feel as if I've spent quality time with them.
Use the time you have at home to do projects in your house. I'm cleaning things out right now, tackling cabinets, drawers, and closets. I love to purge, and since it's Spring time officially this week, what better time?
Cook! Clean out your pantry like I did yesterday and make a game out of what you can make using what you have on hand. I actually thought it was fun and dinner was pretty good last night.
Pick a show to start watching. Here are some of my favorites right now: The Good Doctor, New Amsterdam, This Is Us, Behind the Design, Home Town, and all the Giada, Barefoot Contessa, and Pioneer Woman episodes on Hulu. I also love documentaries, old movies from Disney Plus, and almost any Brittish show.
Listen to music. The only kind I listen to is worship music. I love Casting Crowns, Hillsong, Travis Cottrell, Brooklyn Tabernacle choir, Bethel, Crowder, Tauren Wells, Matthew West, Selah, and Kristin Getty just to name a few.
Do a Bible study! Now is a great time to start one.
Here are some things you should not do:
Don't read every article your friends post. I have unfollowed more people in the last few days over this, because if I don't, it'll keep being all I'm seeing on social media. I need lighthearted stuff to look at and read to save my sanity.
Don't watch the news.
Don't just stay glued to your phone.
Don't stay home, but go for a drive. (I didn't say go out in public. I love to drive around, and I plan on doing this some this week. Our town is bursting with beautiful blooms right now, and I want to go see them.)
Go for a walk. If that's not possible where you live, find a park nearby that has a trail and go there. I may do this later in the week if the weather permits. (It's raining every single day this week.)
Don't let fear and uncertainty overtake you. I know times are strange and that makes me a little on edge, but try to not look too far ahead and don't overthink things. Just take things nice and slow, and a few days at a time.
I'll leave you with something that made me laugh out loud.
I pray this gives you some practical things to put into motion during these days spent at home. Thanks for reading! Love to all.
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This is a great post. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! I always love hearing what helps others, in the hope that it'll help me. Thanks for stopping by! Take care.