Tuesday, March 24, 2020

just another day and when all of us are at home

If I'm honest here, I have to confess something: I love that all of us are at home.  Not one vehicle was started yesterday, and you should have heard the things going on inside this house! 

I was so glad that Todd was home all of yesterday, because he helped Drew get all of his online school stuff set up.  At one point, Drew had both his laptop and mine upstairs trying to figure it all out.  He came across a couple of snags, though, and that's when he came downstairs to ask Todd for help.  It's nice having a tech guy living in the house with you.  Or three.  (Drew and Noah~not so much.)

Graham gave his room a good deep cleaning, then Drew did the same in his room, and then Jonah and Noah followed suit.  I love the sound of the vacuum when I'm not the one behind it.  Jonah was busy making plans in the garage most of the day, and he told us that on Sunday night he couldn't fall asleep, so he stayed up until after two a.m. watching YouTube videos on how to construct some shelves up high in the garage.  And I really think that he and Todd are going to do this today. 

Around four, Drew came down and asked Todd to play Monopoly with them, and they were all in the dining room for a couple of hours while I was busy getting dinner ready.  They finished their game around seven, and though Noah started the game by losing, he smoked them all by the end and made them all go broke.  This is where I need to tell you that we have sore losers in this house.  Ahem, Todd.  After that game, Jonah wanted to play sorry, so he, Noah, Todd and I sat down to play that, and after THAT, the four of us played Skipbo, in which I was the loser of every round. 

In between games, I made a pan of brownies for us. 

It was a fun night, and I feel like we all made the best of the situation.  Drew is enjoying time off this week, since his daycare that he works for is closed for cleaning.  I don't know if they'll open back up next week or not, I would imagine so because they could be considered an essential place of business, but Drew said he would find out today.

I sat in my car for close to an hour on a Zoom video call with some ladies from church.  It was interesting!  I had to sit in my car because my house is loud, what with all the people and dogs.  And at one point, Drew found me "hiding" and was very perplexed about what I was doing.  He cracked up when I flipped the phone around to show him the other ladies on the call.  It was so good to see familiar faces, though!  I miss seeing people.

Here is the SECOND time in a couple of days that Jonah cleaned the garage.  He pulled out all the shoes and the rack and cleaned it all up, got rid of some old shoes that just needed to be tossed, and then put them all back nicely. 

I'm not the only one who has loved having all the people at home.  Crash was getting in some quality snuggle time with Graham the other night.

While they were in the dining room finishing up their game of Monopoly, I sat for an hour and edited a current writing project.  I will be working on finishing this project all of this week and hopefully next week I can make the edits and send it in email form for other eyes to view it all.

This was lunch for me yesterday!  I haven't had pineapple salad in ages, and this hit the spot.  I may have it again today.

I've also been eating cottage cheese with fruit, thanks to my mom-in-love who mentioned it last week, and leftovers. 

I crossed over into the book of Joshua yesterday when I was catching up on Bible reading from Sunday, and it's so good! 

On the agenda for today is more of the same.  I slept a little later than normal (7:15 over the usual 5 or 6 something) and am just now finishing up coffee.  I hear someone in the shower, so I'm assuming Graham is going to do a job and then he'll come back home.  I think Todd may make a trip to Lowe's today for materials for projects inside the house.  I'll be cleaning a little, washing my hair, making the bed, doing laundry, and working on my closet and bedroom.  (I have a ton of pictures I need to take out of frames.)  At some point I'll do some writing, I'll read, and then I'll get started on tonight's dinner: breakfast casserole, pancakes, and fruit.

What are you working on today?  Share!  Thanks for reading.  Love to all. 

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