Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday Favorites {edition twelve/quarantined edition}

Happy Friday, friends.  Or, happy just another day at home.  That made me laugh.  All the days are running together, as I'm sure they're doing for all of us.

I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends Erika and Narci, for this blog post.

I have been loving and looking for the bright side of all this crazy all week.  I have found things that have moved me to tears, I've found things that have made me laugh out loud, and I've been sharing them with the people I love.  I thought I'd do that here, now.  These types of things are my favorite thing about what we're all going through right now.

Anyone else have the munchies nonstop?  I laughed really hard when I saw this.

SO MANY TIMES I've missed hugging people.

My own included!

Let's just say we all may looking a little rough by the end of all this, those of us who use salons for services like nails and hair and botox.

I have dip powder on my nails right now, but they're really long and in need of a refresh, so I'm going to have to soak the powder off this weekend and just paint them.  I can't go another week with them as they are and I can hardly type, they're so long.  (I am the opposite of most people and hate long nails.)

Another favorite thing is that many recording artists are using their time at home to do sing-a-longs or hymn sings.  This is Keith and Kristin Getty and two of their three daughters.  I listened to most of this a couple of nights ago.  I've also loved watching/listening to Natalie Grant and her husband Bernie Herms.

Easy mornings spent drinking coffee and watching shows on Hulu or movies are another favorite.  So is the Christmas mug you see.

Pineapple salad is one of my favorite things to eat, and this was lunch a few days ago.  It's been ages since I've had it, and I enjoyed every single bite, even it may have given me an ulcer in my mouth from the pineapple juice.

Last Sunday a very small group of people met and helped put on our church's livestream service.  I was so glad to have been a part of it, and helping lead worship is one of my favorite things, but this was one of the most strange things I have ever done.  Trying to lead in worship without "performing" for the cameras that were directly in front of us was interesting.

This is the chronological bible I'm reading along in, and coming across my dad's words is always a favorite thing.  He and I passed this bible back and forth over the years, taking turns reading in it, and this was a surprise on Saturday when I opened up to that day's reading.

Isn't the eighties everyone's favorite?!  One of my favorite human beings had a birthday yesterday, this handsome fella and patriarch of the Goodwin family.  My father in law turned seventy-seven and we look forward to celebrating him when all this stuff is past us.

Well, that's about all I've got for this week.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all.

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