Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday Favorites {edition twelve}

Happy Friday, friends.  Saying tha todayt is a little different, since we've all been home most of the week already.  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends, for this blog post. 

I love that museums across the nation (world?) are offering virtual tours right now!  I plan on doing some of this today.  HERE is a link for you through USA Today.  Their page will take you directly to the participating museums. 

Having all my people home has been one of my favorite things this week.  I've seen them more this week than I have in the previous weeks, and last night as we sat around the dinner table over a delicious meal and laughed our heads off, my heart was full to overflowing.  I wouldn't have dreamed of getting up to sneak a picture either, I just treasured it in my heart and thanked the Lord for it. 

Speaking of family time, if you're in need of a show to watch, try this one!  Todd and I discovered it this week, and I love Melissa McCarthy in it, especially because she is appropriate and hilarious. 

Your kids would love watching this with you.  Jonah and Graham have both watched snippets of it with us over the last couple of nights.

Another thing I've loved is that on Instagram, a couple people I follow have been putting on "shows" for their Instagram followers.  One is Natalie Grant and her husband Bernie Herms, and they've been performing a song a day.  The first one I watched was her singing His Eye Is on the Sparrow, and I was moved to tears.  Last night they played/sang a song from The Preacher's Wife.  The other one is Cassie Sugarplum, and her husband has been playing music on the piano.  I love hearing him play.  Music is definitely one of my favorite tools right now, and I always love it, but even more so here lately. 

Fresh flowers are always one of my favorite things.  I got some when I grocery shopped on Wednesday.  I was walking to the produce department, and just so happened to pass the flowers on my way, so it was inevitable.

I read something this morning, about doing little things to lift your spirits, and they mentioned lighting candles.  I do that a lot usually, but I haven't this week.  I don't know why, now is a perfect time to light one.  I love for things to smell good and to look pretty.

Reading has been my favorite way to pass time, and these are the books I'm reading.

One of my favorite things in all the world is a cleaned kitchen.  I have this routine every night in that before I go to bed, I go through the kitchen and make sure it's all clear of glasses/dishes, that the countertops are cleaned and wiped off, and that the coffee pot is ready to brew as soon as I come downstairs the next morning.  This was me going through that routine a few nights ago.

(Thanks, Google, for your images.)

I've been reading in Psalms a lot this week, and I've written out several chapters in a notebook I found.  I'm still doing my normal scripture writing plan, too, and I'm still reading along in the Bible chronologically.  Now is the time to amp all that up, with all this time on my hands, and God's word has brought some much needed comfort to my anxious heart.

Things like this have made me laugh this week, and that is always a favorite thing.  I would say now is the time to also start watching something to bring that out in you.  If ever there were "comfort shows" on our streaming devices, now is the time to watch them.  I haven't watched a lot of tv this week, but when I turn it on, I tend to go back to my old favorites. 

Well, I have to get out in just a bit for one quick errand, so I'm going to wrap this up and start on the day.  Thanks for reading, and love to all!


  1. It has been so nice to have everyone at home at one time. Hang in there and stay healthy!

  2. Yes! Thanks, Tanya, I hope the same for you!

  3. I was just thinking today that I wanted to start diffusing essential oils since I don't have any candles around!

  4. I would do that, if I had them! I never got on the oil train, but not because I didn't want to, it just wasn't economical for us at the time. I have some things on an Amazon Wish List, though, and am always thinking about starting to use them. I think now is a great time to make our homes more homey than usual. We might as well, right? ;)

    Stay well!


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