Wednesday, February 26, 2020

What's Up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday, friends!  I'm linking up with Shay from Mix and Match Mama and her friend Sheaffer from Sheaffer Told Me To for this blog post.  (I'm so proud of myself for writing this on  Tuesday-I never remember to participate in these!)

I'm just going to jump right in.

What we're eating this week: Todd and Graham are out of town this week, and I don't know why that makes it easier for dinner ideas, but it does.  It's not like they're complicated, or maybe it's just that when I shopped for the week, I had a plan.  That being said, on Monday night, two of them had French dip sandwiches.  (I was gone and Jonah ate later on after his basketball game.)  Tonight we're having crock-pot chicken and rice with taco fixings.  Tomorrow night I'm not cooking, and Thursday night we're eating breakfast casserole with pancakes for dessert.

What I'm reminiscing about:

This was three years ago, and our very last Friday at the zoo.  When all my sons were younger, we did this every Friday almost.  (For anyone who doesn't know, we are a homeschooling family.)  This was the day Drew leaned over to me and said, "Mom, this isn't nearly as exciting as it used to be."  I had to take a moment to regain my composure before I could answer him, but I said back, "It is, but you're growing up."  And then I cried silently in the flamingo and hippo exhibit.

What I'm loving:

The Bible I won at a fun kick off event last Tuesday night.  This is my second She Reads Truth Bible.  My other one was looking pretty rough and the cover was about to start coming apart.  (It was the hard back version.)  This one is leather touch and a shimmery rose gold color.  I love it and started using it the very next morning!  I was shocked I won this, it's a very nice give away prize, and I know that because I bought this for someone as a gift one time.

What we've been up to:

Well, my husband and oldest son are out of town all week, and this is for something with the sheriff's department.  Drew is working from 7:15-9:15 in the morning from Monday-Thursday and every afternoon from 3:15-6:15 Monday-Friday.  He has evening classes every Monday and Wednesday, and on Friday he has one class from 8-11 in the morning.  He also coaches basketball and has a tiny bit of a social life.  He's the busiest person I know.  Jonah and Noah are both up to school work, and they both work part time.  Jonah babysits the elementary aged boy across the street and Noah works at Papa John's.  I am working on some writing projects and helping out with the women's conference taking place at our church this weekend.

What I'm dreading:

March 6, but I'll tell you why later.

What I'm working on:

Writing!  I have actual guidelines and real things to follow.  That's about all I can share for now.

What I'm excited about:

This weekend!  I always love our women's conference each year, they get better and better, and I pray that God fills the room with women who are hungry for Him and His word.

What I'm watching/reading:

I keep having to catch up on shows, but my favorites are The Good Doctor, This Is Us, New Amsterdam, and The Pioneer Woman.  (I'm caught up on The Pioneer Woman and will be caught up by tonight on The Good Doctor.)  I'm reading a Debbie Macomber book right now, called Window on the Bay.  I'm only on chapter two, but I love her books and writing style, and this one will be a quick read.  I am also looking forward to reading The Bright Side by Melanie Shankle.  It's out today and I pre-ordered it a few weeks ago, but I don't know when it will ship.  I'm probably going to cancel the Amazon order and just go buy it at Barnes and Noble.

What I'm listening to:

New choir music.  We have the song list for our next night of worship and Resurrection Sunday, and that'll be on repeat until I learn it all.  I love to sing in the choir, but I do not read music.  I can follow along and I know when a note goes up or down, but that's about all I can do.  I sing like I play the piano~by ear.  I basically just memorize the songs.

What I'm wearing:

Currently, pajamas, but I always have on repeat jeans and a cute shirt.  I'm boring and bland, pretty much and stick to neutral colors and solid patterns.

I do always like to wear big or flashy statement earrings, and though these aren't big, they make a statement.  I love them and got them for Christmas.  They're the multi-color Kate Spade earrings.  And this was me being all boring in my outfit Monday night, but the earrings spiced it up a little.

What I'm doing this weekend:

I'll be at church all weekend, pretty much.  The women's conference is Friday night and Saturday until one, and I'll be reunited with my hubby and son, and then we'll be back at church on Sunday.

What I'm looking forward to next month:

Birthday season is upon us almost!  On the tenth of March Jonah and Noah will turn 17, Graham will turn 21 on March eleventh, and on April 3, Drew will be 20.  Also, March is when I'll get my hair highlighted again.  I try to stretch this out to three times a year, and do this every March, July, and November.

What else is new:

I think I've covered everything.  When the warmer weather comes, we will work on finishing our house, and add back the porch railing and deck, and hopefully, the flower beds out front.  We're currently on a break with spending money on our house.

Thanks for reading!  These are always fun to me...I don't know if they are for you, but if so, thanks for sticking it out to the end.  Love to all!


  1. We sure loved the zoo when the kids were little. We always had a membership and went many times throughout the year. After we moved back from England, we went a few times and it seemed so much smaller in size. Now they like to go to the Christmas Zoo Lights event.

  2. March is birthday month in our neck of the woods too. It's always so crazy...

  3. That sounds exactly like us! We love going to the zoo lights, and my dad in particular really loves this. He's almost eighty-nine years young! It's his favorite thing, which is why when I saw that picture this week, I cried. I'm so sentimental!

  4. Natasha~

    That's so funny that it's that way for both of us! I didn't even mention the two patriarchs of our family, both my dad and my father-in-law are also in March. It's crazy! I give birthday dinners for everyone, because we're all the family they have in town.

    Thanks for stopping by!


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