Tuesday, February 18, 2020

simply Tuesday

This week is off to a great start!  Yesterday was so productive for me, and there is nothing quite like a productive day, in my humble opinion.  I'm hoping today will be more of the same.

I need to start this off by telling you that there is NO tired like D-Now tired.  Noah was asleep at nine fifteen Sunday night, Jonah was working on it at ten, and he slept until noon yesterday.  I found out that he survived the weekend on a combined total of four hours of sleep.  Noah was up at ten and at work by eleven, and as I'm writing, Drew is upstairs passed out (I'm writing this on Monday night).  I'm pretty sure he's been that way since four.  (He was leaving home at six ten this morning.)  Todd and Graham weren't home from tearing down the stage and lighting until close to midnight, but that was partly because they got something to eat after they were done.

Meanwhile, I was living my best life enjoying all the sleep this weekend.

If you aren't on social media, here is what I shared yesterday morning as I sat down at my table to start working on something.

I was starting something new, and I felt the need to document it for my #chatbooks later this year.  This was me with a blank screen, some writing guidelines, my Bible, and my palms open facing God, surrendering to Him and His will for what I'm doing next.  I know I'm being cryptic, but I can't share all the details at this time, but it does involve me writing and it's very scary/hard/intimidating/exciting.  Yes, all those adjectives are things I feel right now.  Today will be a little less hard, because I already sat down and started yesterday.  Each day it may get a tiny bit easier, but I prayed, started digging in and I started writing.  (And soon, I promise, I will share more.)

I am so thankful for several things, though.  One, that I serve a living God who hears when I call on Him and who helps me and guides me, giving me wisdom and knowledge.  Two, are my praying friends.  I called on two of them today, and I know they were praying.  (And if you would like to pray for me, I would appreciate that so much!)  Thirdly, I am so grateful for days at home with nothing on my agenda and dinner in the Crock-Pot.  It left me available and free all day to work.

Well, I'll move on, now.

I still love my bedroom.  I went up to wash my face, brush my teeth, fold clothes, and make my bed this morning, then I put on warmer pajamas and came back downstairs.  That is the best kind of day ever.  I bought the new lights right after Christmas, and hung them a couple of weeks ago.  My old ones went out a couple of months ago.

I didn't mention this in my weekending post, but on Saturday, Todd took down our tv and moved an electrical outlet, and then hung it again on new mount.  The mount extends and tilts, so the tv looks bigger and the speaker box now sits behind the screen instead of in front.  While he was in the midst of all that over the last week, the lights on my mantle also went out, and I replaced them with some new ones that I bought at Lowe's.

And look at Crash, sitting so pretty and modeling them for me.  I also rearranged the fireplace hearth a little. 

Other things I'll be doing today are the loads of laundry I neglected all day yesterday, reading, and doing Bible study homework.  And probably grocery shopping, at some point.  I'm going to an event tonight at a church in Memphis to kick off an event that is happening here over the summer, and I'm going with friends.  I'm excited about it, even though I don't know what it will be like, just because I'll get to catch up with my friends.

What's on your schedule for today?  I'd love to hear!  Thanks for reading.  Love to all!

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