Friday, January 10, 2020

Friday Favorites {edition two of 2020}

Happy Friday, friends!  I am linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends Erika and Narci, for this blog post.

I sort of feel like I am limping into the weekend after a busy week.  It was a really good week, but after not having to be any place in particular with no time schedule for weeks in a row, it's hard to get back into the groove of being a little busier again.  This was the week I decided to go back to working at my church, and aside from that, I also had plans for all the rest of the days.  Here's a little of what I've been up to.

I had to get out and make a Costco run last weekend, and after I did that, I went to my happy place, also known as our local library, and stocked up on books for the week.  I always get a pile of books when I go, because especially if I'm in a hurry and don't take the time to really see if it'll hold my attention, I'll bring it home to try, but I'll put it down if I don't like it.  So, one of these books I knew I wouldn't like from the start, and one of them is one of a series, so without having read them in order, I decided to skip that one.  The other one, I'm not sure about yet.  Three of them, I have already finished.

Which means that so far for this month, I'm working on book number five.  This pace won't continue, but I always start strong after not reading a lot for a month or two.  Every book I've read so far is one I've loved.  Reading is my favorite.

This was me on Sunday after church.  Todd had run into Popeye's to grab us some lunch to take home, and I was in his truck waiting.  His truck is my favorite vehicle.  It's so comfy to sit and ride in, and the windows are nice and dark, so people can't see inside, which is really nice.  It's so dark that I don't need sunglasses.

I saw this on the interwebs this week and it made me laugh out loud, because this is so me.  I immediately texted it to my husband, because we are forever searching through what he calls my hiding places for things he needs.  I hate clutter, therefore, I'm forever putting things in a different place.  This quality is not my husband's favorite thing about me, but what can I do?  I am my mother's child.

Nail day is one of my favorite days.  I love the place I go to now, and I love this dip powder that I've been using.  My nails are so much better than they've ever been, and the sweet girl who does mine doesn't layer it too thick.  That is a complaint sometimes with having your nails dipped.  I had red sparkly at Christmas, then white sparkly for the new year, and now I'm wearing this glittery berry color.  She dips them twice in the color, and twice more in the glittery one, and the above picture is the result.  I was browsing on Pinterest one day this week looking for something, and I saw that glittery nails is a big trend right now.  Who knew?  I didn't, I just know that for now, I love the look.

Currently, this is my favorite snack.  The mixture of all these things is really good.  It's salty and sweet, crunchy and soft.  I picked this up at Costco last Saturday, and the bag is a lot bigger than it looks in this picture, and only cost about $5.  I'll definitely be buying this again.

Please excuse the selfies I took, but getting new glasses is my favorite thing ever.  I can see again!  Recently, mine had stopped working as well, and I was way overdue for an eye exam.  It'd been three years since my last visit.  I go to a place called Eyes For You, and if I go to their store in Cordova, which is about thirty minutes away, I can have them back on the same day, in a little over an hour.  These are the pairs I chose, both almost identical to each other.  They're both neutral, and a tortoise shell color, so brown and black.  I have never picked this shape before, but I love them, and I love that I can wear them with anything.

I'm far sighted with an astigmatism in both eyes that gets worse the older I get.  {All that means is that it's hard for my eyes to focus, especially when I look far away, and then try to read right after that.}

This is one of my favorite places to be.  This is my church home, and where I spend a lot of time.  I was there yesterday for a couple of hours almost, doing a few things for women's ministry and eating King cake from a bakery in Louisiana, and laughing and talking with some really sweet ladies.  Thursdays are a day that could be so monotonous and boring, but thanks to the sweet ladies who run these training sessions each week, it's always a fun morning and it FLIES by.

Sweet Callie.  I don't ever share too much about her, because she's not my favorite dog, but I think it's only because of her hair.  She sheds terribly, and I have to vacuum every single day to not lose my mind.  I don't always do that, but I should.  She is so protective of all her people, and this was where I sat and ate lunch one day this week, in our dining room.  She was at my feet the entire time.  Her nerves are on edge because of all the hammering happening on our house as they put up our new siding.

I've shared on here that I'm reading the bible in chronological order again this year, but I'm also doing scripture writing, and this is my favorite thing to do.  I loved this verse in Ecclesiastes chapter three one day this week, so much so, that I wrote down what it said in the margin of my bible.  (That is verse 14.)

Last night was my favorite dinner that I've made in a long time.  I just drowned some chicken tenderloins in a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's and then I tossed together some salad with Olive Garden's brand of Italian dressing, and I found a copycat recipe for hashbrown casserole from Cracker Barrel.  Judging by how much everyone ate, it was their favorite, too.  A Christmas miracle has happened twice this week~the six of us have eaten dinner together!  This rarely happens these days, but twice in one week is amazing.  I'll take any amount of time I can get.  Even if one or two are missing, the rest of us sit down at the table and eat together, but it's not the same.  I like having them all here at the table, even if it is a little cramped with those four grown guys.

It's been a really great week.  Next week is lining up to be every bit as busy, but I will have one full day at home for the week, and for that, I am thankful.  (It's Monday.) 

How was your week?  I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.  Love to all. 

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