Friday, January 31, 2020

Friday Favorites {Edition Five}

Happy Friday, friends!  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends Erika and Narci, for this blog post. 

In some ways, this week crawled by, but in other ways, it flew.  It's weird how that happens, depending upon what went on during the week.  One thing I do know: I wasn't at home a lot at night this week, and tonight I am pretty sure my husband will be working and I will be sitting enjoying a nice quiet night at home alone.  I'm sure all the other guys will have plans.  I'm okay with this.  I watched one episode of New Amsterdam last night that I'd fallen behind on, and that's what I'll be watching tonight until I'm caught up.  Anyone else watch that?  I love that show, and all the actors.  I also have an episode of This Is Us to watch. 

I love television, it's seriously my favorite past time, other than reading.  I love having all the streaming devices, too, because my options are ENDLESS.

Just for fun, other shows I love are The Resident, The Good Doctor, and Madam Secretary. 

Well, here are a few favorite things from my week.

This would be good on anything.  I make my own ranch dressing at home, and it would even be good in that.  Here's my favorite way I've been eating it all week, though:

I'm on an avocado toast kick, but the hard boiled egg puts it over the top.  This is an extremely filling and satisfying lunch. 

Drew has been helping me eat all the avocados.

This is my favorite spot in my kitchen.  I love the little lamp, I love displaying tea towels, and the cute sign is a new edition from Hobby Lobby. 

I love lamp lighting, and prefer them to other, harsh lighting. 

I'm going to my favorite place today!  {The library.}  I'll be returning this book and picking up some more for the weekend.  I hope to find some new and different authors this time around.  It seems as if lately all the books I've read have been predictable.  They've been great, but predictable.  If you have some suggestions, I'm open to them.

{This book was great, and not predictable or boring.}

Remember these from a few weeks ago?  I've had a request to buy them again, for Sunday night.  I told the boys they could have the living room so they could watch the game downstairs with their friends.  These are one of my favorite things that Costco carries these days.  I'll be making a trip there tomorrow morning, most likely.

Scripture writing is one of my favorite parts of my morning quiet time, and since tomorrow is February the first, I thought I'd share the new plan again.  I love doing this everyday.

I shared this on social media a few weeks ago, but I can't remember if I ever shared them on here.  I ordered these from Amazon a couple of weeks ago to replace the Papermate Flair felt tip pens that ran dry finally, and though they're not the same, they're a pretty good dupe.  I can write with them in my bible, and there is a little bleed through, but nothing too terrible.  The Papermate pens have become ridiculously expensive in price, and I refuse to pay $15 for a six or eight pack of them.  I got all these, plus a black one, for less than $6.

Colored pens are my favorite.

We should own stock in Wilson.  Over the years we have spent so much money on things this company makes, and one day in passing through the dining room, this was what I saw on the table.  My guys love basketball so much, and they love to play in our own driveway, when they're able.  I will be SO GLAD when the guys who have been doing the siding on our our house get their trailer out of our driveway.  It's been parked there since before Thanksgiving, and I am more than ready to see that go.  Our house is finished, for the most part.  They're coming back tomorrow to make some repairs my husband found, and we will need to replace the porch railing with new and add in some landscaping, but I love the look of it and how it turned out.  I'll share about it next week, though. 

Well, my dad is coming over today for lunch, and I need to get moving.  I hope your weekend is great!  Love to all. 


  1. I agree on the price of most pens. The Amazon Basics look like a great bargain. I need to pick up the husband would love those! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Thanks for the comment love, Tanya! I hope you had a great weekend!


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